Truck at Paradise valley barn


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I don't get this decision. That truck was great in very early Interloper. The warmth from the barn plus the truck could just be enough to let you warm up a bit and you could sleep without a bedroll. It was also a unique place with the car being inside. No idea why that was sacrificed.

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2 hours ago, aronn112 said:

Anybody notice that the truck inside the barn is no longer there? I almost died because I had not brought a bedroll...assuming there was a vehicle there. Anybody else experience it?

I was staying at the barn when the update dropped and noticed it straight away. I’ve posted about it in the update thread and raised a bug report. Have heard nothing back as to whether it was intentional or will be reversed. It was not mentioned in the update release notes. The barn looks much better now, the lighting has improved and it is easier to move around in, but the loss of the bed seems a bit harsh especially for Interloper players. I know of at least one person who died because they were unable to sleep there. If you think it’s a problem then raise it as a bug report to get the devs to pay attention.


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