Stats on Wolf/Bearcoat scare?


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Anyone run the numbers on the chances a Wolfskin coat or Bearskin coat will save you from being a puppy's chew toy?

I'm in Stalker, and just got surrounded by 4 wolves on the hill above the Bear cave by the lake, and after I'd just taken another out by the rope.  Took down two, fed one, and struggled another.  But I was thinking a coat might have saved me a tussle.

Is it worth me going all the way back to TWM and CH to make a coat before going to Milton?

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They're far from reliable. They seem to work better at long range, if you step over a ditch and run into a wolf it woll 100% attack, but if a wolf is far away and notices you it may panic instead of come near.
I'd add that a wolf which already has been affected once is more likely to be scared again.
Anyway the chances of scaring off a wolf are really low.
I have to relate a funny episode. Some time ago I started a game in BR. As I was going up to the hunters' lodge I lit a fire and pulled a torch. As I neared the house I started to freeze and ran for it. There was a wolf with a freshly killed rabbit, and I almost trampled it. Strangely enough, it fled whimpering. I always play on stalker, so wolves never run away. Did the sight of some maniac charging with a flaming stick in his hand scare the poor wolf? What could this possibility be based on?

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