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Because HLG has their game on a 75% sale for black Friday, I thought I would wish everyone a happy black Friday and remind everyone of the point of the holiday:

Rioting and maiming people so you can get a microwave for fifty dollars off.


When The Grinch Stole Black Friday

And the Grinch, with his APC now stuck in the snow,
stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so?

Black Friday came without weapons. It came without tasers.
It came without long knives, who-bats or straight razors.

And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore.
Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before.
What if Black Friday meant... just a little bit more...

What if... the point of black Friday...
wasn't the savings or bargains or the mothers gone rogue.
But the beatings and screeching and people sent to the morgue!

And at that moment, on the mountain, you know what they say...
that the Grinch's Adrenal Glands grew six sizes that day!

Round went his APC and the slope was descended.
A machete at the ready, all flesh would be rend'd!

Into the Mall entrance, his vehicle glass shattered
Crowds dived for more cover and customers scattered!

And with a cut on his cheek and a tear in his eye,
He exclaimed, "Happy Black Friday to all!
...And now you must die!"

Oh course... we all know... that the Grinch died on that day.
It's believed he got clipped by a man in a sleigh.

But every year we tell his story...
so we remember what was learned...
The Penny you save... is the penny you've earned.


Happy Black Friday! Give as good as you get!

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