chucking firewood


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I think it would be a good thing if you could throw pieces of firewood at a wolf as a last resort. distract it if it misses, scare it off (small chance, 35 % or lower) it if it hits, and even stun it with a very rare chance (5% or lower). this would be useful for bad loper starts in HRV. thanks :coffee:

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1 hour ago, gnomegnine said:

loper starts in HRV

Happy 4-Days of Nights @gnomegnine!
While it is understandable that a last resort decoy for wolves in Interloper is desireable, currently we can not "eguip firewood", (unless it is a torch).
We do have a really great mechanic in that we can "steer wolves" by using stones to make noise and "attract them" and move them away from our intended path.
(Crouch for stealth and throw a stone, (or 2 or 3), beyond and to the side of a wolf, and even a pack of wolves will investigate and you may then proceed along your path while avoiding an attack)
Good luck my friend. :coffee:

HRV screenshot hoping wolf will chase stone across the perfectly.

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