Warmth Bonus Badge Not Working?

Vince 49

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I've been experimenting with Interloper were you start with minimal clothes and not freezing is a big concern.  For that reason, I've been using the Cold Fusion badge, which says it provides a permanent 2C increase in feels like temperature.  I'm only seeing that effect in some cases.  In my current game, it appears to be absent.  Maybe I'm missing something.  See the screen shots below.

I should mention that I'm playing Rugged Sentinel.

(Speaking of cold fusion, contrary to popular belief, cold fusion actually does exists--unfortunately not with net power out yet.  Goggle: Muon Enhanced Fusion).




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Honestly I have wondered the same thing and I've never seen the numbers add up to what I think they should be. Is it a mechanic that doesn't affect the visual here but affects the outcome... i.e. what the temp direction bars actually do....hmmmm.... now that I say that I think that's not how its happening either as you'd see -1 feels like here and be getting upwards arrows on your temp gauge hud. 

Maybe its adding up front on the the air temp - i.e. it really should be -5 but you see -3. 

Either way its a good question I'd love to see someone in the know chime in here with confirmation of how it works / does it work at all.

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I think it is working actually, because I've played only interloper, you always start with +3°C bonus. Before I had the badge, I died in the ice cave of HRV from FL=-1°, next time, I had the badge, and didn't die. Easy to test IMO, Just start some Lopers with and without, half of them start in HRV near this ice cave.

(Speaking of cold fusion, contrary to few peoples faith, cold fusion will never exist - "cold" in particle physics meaning "spontaneous", "with no additive energy".  The Muon catalyzing technique would require to find huge quantities of stable muonic hydrogen as "fossil fuel", which will never exist since a muon lives only for 2 microseconds. The only cold energy is radioactivity, which gives back energy that have been stocked during stars fusion-burning).

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