A Few Dead Men

Drifter Man

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Deadman 1 / Day 1

[Cold Fusion] [Efficient Machine]

Hmm so where did we end up... Timberwolf Mountain, one rope above Crystal Lake. It's late afternoon, the weather is good, let's pick some sticks and get to Mountaineer's Hut. A wolf barks... let's just walk on, calmly. Take a look into the fishing hut: a fire is burning in the stove, Snowball 47 sits at the ice hole, waiting patiently for a fish to show up. But Deadman 1 feels no warmth from the fire. The wolf is still prowling outside.

"Hey is that you still here?" asks Deadman.

"Yeah, Day 133, getting rid of Cabin Fever. You're going to get it soon, too. If you make it that far..."

Deadman 1 doesn't hear the end of Snowball 47's reply. He picks up a hammer, leather gloves and a piece of reclaimed wood and leaves the fishing hut. The wolf stays on his heels, so he cannot pick any cattails. In the Mountaineer's Hut, he finds matches, some firewood, a ski jacket, a sewing kit, some food. He briefly considers starting a fire to warm up but then realizes he has no tinder. It is warm enough to stay in the bed for 2 hours.

He leaves after nightfall. The skies are clear, three wolves patrol the lake but Deadman manages to slip through to the "Cattail Bay". What, only 5 cattails? In this world, plants are set with a low spawn chance. Soon he begins losing condition to freezing. The weather is still good, so he starts a fire near the Landing Gear and spends a few hours boiling water - a slow process with only one can. He pulls a few torches, cooks a tomato soup found in the Mountaineer's Hut, waits out a brief period of strong wind at the fire. Then he takes another torch and heads towards Pleasant Valley, picking up more sticks on the way.

On reaching the bunker, he quickly searches the dark interior with a torch in hand, but there is almost nothing of value to be found. Most lockers are locked. Fully exhausted and at 93% condition, he goes to sleep, for 9 hours. A mistake - with thirst rate set to high, it's too much, and length of sleep does not matter for condition recovery in this world, anyway. He wakes up at 90% and drinks water. We'll be more careful next time.

Deadman 1 / Day 2

Fully rested, Deadman sets out straight in late afternoon in the direction of the Farmstead. He scales down a cliff and reaches Draft Dodger's Cabin with a bit of freezing damage. Once warmed up in the bed, he starts a fire at the doorstep and makes more water, while collecting reishi mushrooms and rosehips in the area. He also kills a rabbit and gets a bit of meat out of it at the fire, but wind soon arrives and reduces the fire. Deadman tries to babysit it but this time the wind is too strong and the fire cannot survive. Deadman has no other option than to get back into the cabin, harvest the rest of the meat from the rabbit, and sleep. 83% condition.

Deadman 1 / Day 3

Another attempt at a fire in early morning, killed again by wind... water is running out and I still have that raw rabbit. I warm up again in the cabin, collect a few cattails on the river and move to the Farmstead. I can see wolves homing in at the scent of the rabbit but reach the basement before they pick me up. Not much found in the basement, basically just the static matches - but that's the main thing I came for. A blizzard starts outside, so I move safely to the main building and start a fire in the stove. Somehow I have three pots, so I use the bit of firewood I have to cook the rabbit and make lots of water. A search of the building gets me another ski jacket and some more food. I take all those books as well - anything that burns is good now - but resist the temptation of breaking up furniture (calories!). I quickly leave into the blizzard to search the surroundings (mainly the car) but find nothing more.

Repair one ski jacket, harvest two curtains. Warm bed. 77% condition.

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35 minutes ago, JAFO said:

So you're taking on Deadman Mode? Cool!

Interesting to see that by day 3, you've shifted from 3rd person to 1st person.. this mode will do that to you.. and worse.. it fries your brain over time.

Yep it sounds like fun! I shifted the person intentionally, I do that from time to time. Writing in 3rd person is a bit more difficult but it's good to keep a bit of distance from my not-for-long survivor.

The thrill is similar to early Snowballs, before I learned to handle the challenge.

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2 hours ago, Doc Gonzo said:

@Drifter Man Enjoying your stories as always!  What's your eventual end goal with these?  Tough challenge if I'm understanding it correctly (thanks for the info @JAFO).

Looking forward to more...

The eventual goal? Currently 17 days survived, of course. This may change if others push the boundaries further while this run is going...

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6 hours ago, Doc Gonzo said:

Tough challenge if I'm understanding it correctly

You are... very tough, in fact.

The standard response from experienced 'lopers when they first hear of it is "I've gotta try this.. it sounds like fun!"

The standard comment from them after they've tried a couple of times is "Oh man.. this is absolutely brutal!"

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The eventual goal is to die. Just not today!

9 hours ago, JAFO said:

You are... very tough, in fact.

The standard response from experienced 'lopers when they first hear of it is "I've gotta try this.. it sounds like fun!"

The standard comment from them after they've tried a couple of times is "Oh man.. this is absolutely brutal!"

"Brutal" and "fun" are not necessarily in contradiction :D

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4 minutes ago, Drifter Man said:

The eventual goal is to die. Just not today!

"Brutal" and "fun" are not necessarily in contradiction :D

Hehehe.. agreed.. 

If you take another look at my wording, at no point did I suggest they might be.. ;)

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Deadman 1 / Day 4

I wake up and stay indoors at the farmstead until the afternoon, repairing clothes. When it's the warmest part of the day, I head out towards the Barn, where I hope to find an emergency stim (and some food, please!). I don't want to go farther than the Outbuildings today.

Approaching the Outbuildings, I'm on my guard but not exactly careful - it is warm but my temperature bar is running out fast, so I can't afford to be. At first the approach looks safe but then I spot two black spots emerging from a snow drift. They're far away but one spots me immediately - wolves have much bigger radar here. Strong winds have just started and I can't light a torch, so my only chance is to walk away. The wolf attacks immediately. As soon as it sinks its fangs into my flesh, I smash back with my fearsome warhammer. Miraculously, the hammer wins. My condition is something like 30% but no blood loss (!), so yes, it's a win. Hypothermia risk strikes soon afterwards. I can't go to the Barn, so I run to the Rural Crossroads and reach it in 18% condition.

I search all buildings and cars, find matches but very little food. At least the local wolves are not home. I go to bed with very little to eat and wake up with 15%.

Deadman 1 / Day 5

A blizzard is raging outside, it's still night, but I'm losing condition by the hour. I need food. I decide to run into the blizzard in the hope of finding the entrance to the Cinder Hills Mine. At first I lose my way right away and return to the Crossroads to warm up for another hour in the bed. The second attempt is successful: I find the mine entrance in near-complete darkness. Condition 5%.


I make a fire at the entrance to pull torches and stumble through the mine. My first find is a chocolate bar, which I eat immediately. Some clothes, including work boots, can be found further inside. And then I find the emergency stim, the main thing I came for - but of course I do not apply it immediately. Beef jerky and that's about it.

At the other end of the mine I wait for daylight, then move to the trailer on the way to Log Sort. There's a can of soda under the bed but in my present state it's quite a challenge to get it out.


Warm up in bed and on to Log Sort... again, not much to find here... warm up in bed, now it's afternoon, very nice weather, as I stumble across the ice towards Jackrabbit Island.


But even Jackrabbit Island offers very little in the way of food. In desperation, I decide to drive a deer into a wolf to get some food, whatever the risk might be. I almost succeed but the deer runs away before the wolves spot it, and ends up on the wrong side. It's probably for the better, with two wolves (instead of the usual interloper one in that place) the whole undertaking would probably fail anyway.

I apply the emergency stim and run across the ice to the Fishing Camp. Finally, the camp offers some food (two cans of pork and beans and a granola bar). I'll make it through the night. Going to bed in 20% condition.

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For a first run, you're doing quite well! Bummer about the wolf attack, though.

And you're getting a good taste of the oftentimes conflicting needs (even one need conflicting with another!) and desires this challenge dishes out in spades..

Can't wait for the next instalment!

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Well, the next day is probably going to be the last, I expect to die trying to cross the Ravine.

I welcome any tips! What do the most successful survivors do differently? What is the main killer - cold, hunger, wolves? Loot seems to be interloperish, so I can depend on my knowledge (not systematic though) of the interloper world in this respect. Here's where I'd go looking for emergency stims:

  • Barn (Pleasant Valley)
  • Cinder Hills Mine
  • Ravine, in the derailed train car - I think?
  • Upper Dam, in the room with the safe - I think?
  • Mystery Lake, Hunter's Blind - I think?
  • Trapper's Cabin, not at all sure about that one
  • Marsh Ridge
  • Mountain Town, Crashed Plane
  • TWM Summit, Tail Section
  • Hibernia Processing, somewhere inside

Any other places you can remember? I welcome all discussion on deadman theory and practice :)

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Deadman 1 / Day 6

I set out before dawn because the winds are still - it's better to wade through the darkness when the winds are still than during the day in a storm. My first stop is at Rabbit Grove, I reach it just as my temperature bar is about to run out. I search the cabin before the day breaks (and turns the cabin into a pitch-black chamber), finding a can of dog food. I eat it immediately and sleep for 2 hours.

Now it is full day and the good weather holds, although light snow is falling. I go down onto the Bear Creek, collecting cattails and lumps of coal. Just after I cross the little "waterfall" on the way up to the railroad tracks, a wolf jumps me, not even bothering to bark. It's quick.

4 days survived. Well, more like 4 and half :)

Edited by Drifter Man
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Sorry.. this turned into a bigger post than intended.. but better too much information, than too little...

5 hours ago, Drifter Man said:

I welcome any tips! What do the most successful survivors do differently? What is the main killer - cold, hunger, wolves?
I welcome all discussion on deadman theory and practice :)

Honestly? Those aren't easy questions to answer...

Let's see.. you asked "What is the main killer - cold, hunger, wolves?" 

Having observed quite a few attempts now, "All of the above", is what I'd say. Because they all compound on each other. But that's not very helpful.. so..

First and foremost thing I've seen so far, I think, is that you really need a hefty dose of starting luck. A good spawn location, and some essential loot items obtained early on, not surprisingly seems to make a huge difference. A hacksaw, hammer and even the can-opener are almost as essential as matches (calories are incredibly precious, -because you need SO many of them- and a can-opener makes sure you get every single one of the little buggers that you can (pun intended)). Bedroll is also a high priority, as you generally can't travel very far before needing to regain body heat, and matches are almost certainly in shorter supply than you'd like. Even if they already were, caves are your new best friend.

You need a good memory. Forgetting where you left things, or forgetting items that you need to pick up and take with you, will be very costly in terms of calories that you can ill afford. DO NOT FORGET THINGS! If you have a bad memory, take copious notes, make checklists, or do whatever else it takes to mitigate it. 

You need rigid, iron-hard self-discipline. If I had a dollar for every time I've heard a Deadman say "I've gotta fight the urge to run just now", then 15-20 seconds later start sprinting, I'd be able to buy a new computer. Lopers are used to sprinting, to minimise exposure. It becomes a habit. Sprinting burns precious calories faster. Can you really afford to burn them willy-nilly? If you can do a cost/benefit analysis of calories burned sprinting vs potential cold-damage taken walking vs calories on hand, in your head, you're ahead of the pack (another pun!). There are no easy choices in this regard, and the wrong choice will cost you dearly.

Another area where this self-discipline becomes important is when harvesting carcasses. Wolf detection ranges are off the scale.. and that applies to scent as well as eyesight. It's very important to drop every single gut and piece of meat as soon as it's harvested, before taking the next one. Keep just one of them on you as you work, and pretty much every wolf on the map will be on its way to a reception committee formed in your honour. Just ask TheDEADP00L about what happened the one time he forgot this rule.

You need high situational awareness.. and I don't mean just the regular kind. Lopers are used to ignoring certain red bars, particularly the stomach one. You'll need to re-train your brain to treat any and every red bar like an alarm going off. Better yet, you need to train yourself to be aware of them getting low, before they turn red. I've lost count of how many times I've heard "Holy SHIT! When did that turn red?!?!"

If you're a natural-born mountain-goat, you're ahead of the pack yet again. Shortcuts save calories, reduce exposure time, and avoid wolves. TheDEADP00L is 65% goat, and now I think on it, I suspect it's at least part of the reason why, despite (sometimes) having a memory like a sieve and the self-restraint of a 5yo*, he's way out in front of everyone else on this challenge so far. Watching him, I've learned routes that I had no idea existed or were even possible (both up and down-hill).
* (and I mean that in the nicest way possible, in case you're reading this, DP!)


What else? Beware of getting caught in a vortex. Certain locations (the Carter Dam is a major one, and there are almost certainly others) can suck you in, and it becomes difficult to leave, with the result that you end up burning far more calories than you should have for proportionately little gain, before you finally realise that you need to get the hell out of there, no matter the cost. In Deadman, the law of diminishing returns can bite your ass in a particularly vicious way.

What do I mean, exactly? In this challenge, resources are stretched very thin, across the entire game world. Carter Dam, thanks to the unique topography and layout, can take a fair amount of time to check thoroughly, and the combination of time spent gathering meagre supplies, time (and resources) spent cooking and making water, the need for adequate rest, bad weather and wolves can mean you easily spend a couple of days or more getting/doing everything you want to before moving on. At which point you discover that you've already cleared out everything that can be eaten or burned in a considerable radius around you. Sure, there might be some burnables you can still break down, but you no longer have the calories to spare to do so.

You need calories and firewood in order to leave without taking a condition hit.. and you have neither. Being stuck between a rock and a hard place never hurt quite so much...


Get the flare gun and shells from the ravine. Don't argue.. just do it.


Something I suspect will become important as the envelope gets pushed closer and closer to the 30 days mark, is long-term planning.

Huh? 25 days counts as "long-term"?  Yes, it does.. really...

Those scarce resources I mentioned? Imagine, for a moment, that you're travelling across the TLD world like some kind of Dyson(TM) vacuum cleaner.. consuming all the cattails, mushrooms, rosehips and packaged food as you go.. (that ain't hard to do in this mode, believe me)  Now, what happens if you need to travel back that way again (and then return?) in a week or two's time? Starvation diets are only fun when they don't kill you...

So it may well become a necessary part of strategy to do your best to leave whatever you can spare, untouched.. if it later becomes critically important, for example, to reach a forge, or a supply cache, it would be nice to not have to half kill yourself getting there. But the resource margins are already razor-thin.. I wish you the best of luck getting the balance right!


You asked about Deadman theory and practice. Well, that's a book that is being slowly and painfully written by those attempting the challenge. In other words, we don't know, yet, exactly what the best strategies and tactics are. Or the best timing for them.

TheDEADP00L has been experimenting with trying to harvest all the deer carcasses he can.. it seems to have gotten him to 16 days, but he's beginning to question whether it is, in fact, the best long-term approach, because it definitely has downsides. It has been suggested that making snares and subsisting on rabbits may be a better approach. Lopers usually have a tendency to sneer at snares, but unless you're a crack shot with a stone every time, a snare is gonna give you less cold damage than hunting bunnies with rocks. And unlike you, snares can still catch bunnies during blizzards.

The problem with rabbits, of course, is that catching, cleaning and cooking them generally burns up more calories than you get from eating them. Whether or not the combination of snares and the recently revised cooking times have tipped the equation back in the player's favour is a question to which we currently don't have an answer.

Fishing has also been mooted as a key strategy. The biggest problem with fishing, of course, is that you need a LOT of firewood to make it viable. Especially when you factor in that you need extra in case the inevitable blizzard turns your fishing trip into a sleepover. Next biggest problem is obtaining/crafting enough line. I suspect (without any evidence, of course) that crafting a hatchet may also turn out to be essential to success in this regard.

And now that particular subject has been raised, crafting a knife MAY be a good idea, if you can do so early enough in a run, or it might not.. we don't know yet. The only attempt in which a knife was crafted ended shortly afterwards. While you're at it, some arrow-heads may come in handy as well. But it's expensive.. you're gonna need a lot of calories and water in the process. More than you expect to, even if it is only a minimal forging session.

TheDEADP00L has so far resisted every effort to persuade him that clothing repair is necessary, on the grounds of un-affordable calorie expenditure.. is he right or wrong? We don't know yet. But I do know that on day 20 the global temperatures start their decline, bottoming out around day 50. Also, as Hinterland have said, the decline is steeper (and presumably deeper?), the higher the difficulty level chosen. And Deadman difficulty is about as bad as it gets. So.. the final 10 days of this challenge are going to become.. rather challenging, I suspect.


A parting thought.. like in a regular playthrough, there is probably a "hump", after which, if you can get that far, things become easier. Certainly the conversations that challengers and viewers have had on the subject assume it has to be there somewhere, just waiting to be found.

The more cynical part of me suspects the "hump" exists.. around day 30.

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5 hours ago, Drifter Man said:

In desperation, I decide to drive a deer into a wolf to get some food, whatever the risk might be. I almost succeed but the deer runs away before the wolves spot it, and ends up on the wrong side.

This brings up an interesting point/thought.

Discussions have been had on the topic of Deadmen driving deer towards wolves, but as you've almost certainly noticed, the deer can spot you from a hell of a long way off.. almost out of bow range even, according to some. (I disagree, because... crouching)

Reading what you said makes me wonder.. are the deer spotting the wolves and jinking away, before the wolves are close enough to detect them?

Because if so, that means that the tactic favoured (but not yet attempted) by TheDEADP00L* may in fact be the only one viable. Which is to use yourself as bait to draw the wolves towards the deer.

On the other hand, it occurs to me that, thanks to that increased detection range, you may not be able to get close enough to the deer, for the wolves to notice said deer at all..  at which point you are now the undisputed primary target of a meat-seeking wolf-missile... (unless the -presumably- carefully chosen terrain does you a favour and forces the deer back towards the wolves)


Sorry for referencing him so often.. I must sound like a fanboi.. but right now, at 7-10 days ahead of his nearest competitors, he's the closest thing we have to an expert.

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Ah. I feel a will forming within @Drifter Man... fame... immortality is lying out there, ripe for the taking. 16 days? What is 16 days for one who has lived in the dam for 1,000 days? Who has dropped the fish, BAM? Who has lopered around the mountain for 100 days? Surely just an inconvenience... a disturbance in the Force... 

Meanwhile, the talented young journalist who has recently joined the staff of Interloper Monthly Magazine (IMM), Mr. Nhotz, is preparing to write the story of his life...

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Thanks @JAFO for sharing a condensed version on TheDEADP00L's experience - I don't have the patience to watch someone else's stream, although I certainly miss out on many good tricks because of this!

I don't think that fishing is the right way to go - you would need to find line (which you don't, on Interloper at least). Curing a gut means leaving it in place and you don't want to return to a vacuum-cleaned spot a few days later. Same for snares... that could be an even bigger problem than firewood.

The deer I tried to run into a wolf approached the wolves from behind, so they didn't detect it before the deer caught wind of them, so I can't tell who has greater detection range now. I'm still thinking that deer + coal can be the solution to the deadman equation in the short to medium term. I don't believe there is a long term. You have 100% starting condition + about 50-100% more you can get from stims, depending how many you find, that's all...

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1 hour ago, Hotzn said:

Ah. I feel a will forming within @Drifter Man... fame... immortality is lying out there, ripe for the taking. 16 days? What is 16 days for one who has lived in the dam for 1,000 days? Who has dropped the fish, BAM? Who has lopered around the mountain for 100 days? Surely just an inconvenience... a disturbance in the Force... 

Meanwhile, the talented young journalist who has recently joined the staff of Interloper Monthly Magazine (IMM), Mr. Nhotz, is preparing to write the story of his life...

Give my regards to the IMM security staff :P

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Deadman 2

This is, uh, Broken Railroad. The Wolfen Wolfroad. I don't know this region and strong wind is blowing into my face so I turn around and walk through the tunnel to Elon Muskeg. Strong wind is now blowing from the direction of the Homestead. I walk towards the train and pick a piece of cedar I know to be always there. Two wolves are patrolling at W-4*, blocking the way to the Homestead as effectively as the wind. B-1* emerges from the cave further to the west.

I turn around again and return to BR. The wind again blows in my face. I'm freezing long before I reach the Landslide. Past the Locomotive Engine, I pick a rabbit and drive it ahead of me... one wolf chooses the rabbit, the other I see chooses me. I have to turn around back to the train to shake it off.

Picking another rabbit, I try again. It's dusk now and I launch the rabbit into the wolf zone without any target. I don't see much as I pass but the place explodes into a barkfest, which ends with a death-squeal of the rabbit.

On to the Maintenance Yard. A wolf barks me up from the darkness as I approach, gets close, but I walk on until I reach the building. Fortunately the door is open. I quickly search a metal box - nothing inside. I move into the main area, at 66% condition now. It's pitch-black dark. I stumble around and realize it's felt -6°C. I stumble around some more and can't find the door to get out - not that it would make any difference. There is no way I can find anything in the darkness. I stumble around yet a little more, then decide to stop wasting my time and quit.

This run only lasted a few hours.

*I haven't finished my wildlife research project in the FM but most patrol zones are already mapped and labeled :)


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Deadman 3 / Day 1

I decide to look at the problem differently. I'll call it a 100,000-calorie challenge. Find and consume 100,000 calories. Smashed cans count as 80%, I won't be keeping exact count there.

Desolation Point, near Katie's Corner. I'll ignore that place for now and reach the Lighthouse instead, in 94% condition. One of the first things I find inside is an emergency stim, also a can of peaches. A wool toque at the top of the lighthouse. Not a bad start.

Warm up in bed, then on to Matt's Truck (nothing there) and to the Riken, on a foggy afternoon. The Riken is too dark and cold, I leave quickly without searching it much. Next stop, Hibernia. I look into the boats on the way and find water purification tablets - good, I don't have much firewood, they will double my water output for the first few liters. The trailer on the Riken's side is, again, too dark, and I don't have time to point the cursor in dark corners. But the container and lockers lying under the entrance to the warehouse have matches. I start a fire, make water and pull some torches so that I have light to search the warehouse in the dusk.

Bits and pieces of stuff in the warehouse... some firewood, a flare. Cotton hat and a can opener (yes!) in a metal container, a can of peaches and a prybar in the safe. The prybar allows me to open some more lockers but there's nothing inside.

The game crashes when I exit the door to check the weather outside. I reload from the last save and repeat, but the can opener and cotton hat are no longer there, the container is empty. I eat the peaches and go to bed for the night. [720 calories consumed]

Deadman 3 / Day 2

I use a blizzard outside to hop into the other trailer (nothing found in the darkness), then on to the mine entrance, reaching in 90% condition. I start a fire inside and make some more water, then pull torches and search the mine. Apart from coal, there are more matches and a hacksaw. No more food though. I'm starving.

I'm thinking of pushing to CH but I'm too tired, and there may me no place to sleep between here and Misanthrope's Homestead. Instead I go to Katie's corner and start a fire at the deer carcass there. It's got 1 kg meat, and there are salty crackers next to a backpack. Still winds turn into strong winds and kill my fire before the venison is done - babysitting does not help, I believe this "mechanic" was unintended and removed in the last update.

At least I'm warmed up again, so I search the rest of the corner, drop the raw venison on the road and return to the Lighthouse to sleep. Although freezing, I search a car on the way, finding more salty crackers. I still don't have enough to fend off starvation. I go to bed in 85% condition. [1680 calories consumed]

Edited by Drifter Man
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59 minutes ago, Drifter Man said:

I decide to look at the problem differently. I'll call it a 100,000-calorie challenge. Find and consume 100,000 calories. Smashed cans count as 80%

Interesting approach.. looking forward to seeing how that works out..

1 hour ago, Drifter Man said:

The game crashes when I exit the door to check the weather outside. I reload from the last save and repeat, but the can opener and cotton hat are no longer there, the container is empty.

Well crap.. that sucks. Was the prybar still in the safe?

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2 hours ago, JAFO said:

Interesting approach.. looking forward to seeing how that works out..

It changes nothing, somehow it just feels better :)

2 hours ago, JAFO said:

Well crap.. that sucks. Was the prybar still in the safe?

Yes, it was just the one container that changed.

2 hours ago, JAFO said:

This looks fascinating! Is there a thread for it?

Not yet! It's still very much work in progress, now pushed back by the Deadman Challenge :)

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