Skeleton at the high blind, or low blind.


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I cant exactly remember which blind it was at, Im 90% sure it was the high blind though. You can find a skull and some bone fragments in the snow next to the blind when looting it. Whats up with that? Did A bear or wolf pick a corpse clean? It could have been a decomposed body but they wouldn't decompose so fast during the winter and since the corpses you find are people who died after the aurora, I don't think they would have had that much time to turn into a skeleton. This is a bit odd, does anyone have there own thoughts on it?

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If you're talking about muskeg, I read a thing that it's supposedly Spence of ye olde Spence family homestead out for his last hunting trip. The bear can walk right up to that blind on his normal route. It was a nice little piece of fan fiction I believe, but it fits really well. Explains why the homestead is in such bad shape, because he died before the aurora happened and was never found by his seasonal help.

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3 hours ago, FunkyFuggerson said:

Huh, I always suspected all the burned out buildings and forests because the aurora set off electricity fires. 

There are "eco-terrorists" in Wintermute, who may well have set some buildings on fire as well. And perhaps decided to take out some lonely hunters they found who gave them trouble? Just as you may have to decide to kill or spare someone or something, perhaps? Predators would have picked clean any corpse or carcass they found, before, during, or just after the earthquakes or the geomagnetic disaster that the game is based upon.

In the real world, we have had the Animal Liberation Front, and their spin-off group the Earth Liberation Front, among others, some possibly more well known, set fires to destroy buildings and complexes they felt were threats to wildlife or the planet. It is a global thing, not limited to the USA. So, I often feel like this was a reference to this, and how it related to social decay in the world today.

Just my thoughts on it. Your Mileage May Vary. Widely.

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