Mapping By Sight


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In the faithful cartographer update video the designer explains that the map is updated "with information about only what is visible to you." To me this meant if I was in heavy fog I would only be able to map what i'm standing on, and if I was on top of a lookout tower I could map a larger area at once...but unfortunately that isn't the way it works. Mapping just updates a small radius around you no matter what is visible to you and it just does a heavy fog check to deny mapping entirely (you can still map in light fog or snow for some reason). I think this system would be more fun and less tedious if there was a reward for mapping from a better vantage point and real penalties for mapping in poor conditions.

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  • 2 months later...

Yes this. Better still if it mapped out in a cone in front of you as far as you can see, with obstructions creating cones of darkness beyond- obviously you cannot see through hills, unless you are superman. And then, why the hell are you stranded? Seriously. I would say trees would not count as obstructions. The higher you are, the further out you map. Big areas of very flat land? You sketch out where things are, but with a slow fade away as you get less certain of distance. (im looking at you mystery lake >,..,<) It would take 4x the charcoal to map in a circle around you, but you could potentially cover much more area with those four than as things stand.

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