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Hot tea or a hot meal gives you a nice warming up effect. Its really useful on interloper and it literally gives me a warm feeling making a hot cup of tea over a fire that wasn't particularly easy to come by. But...

I wish I didn't have to have a specific food stuff to do that. Why can't I, for instance, enjoy a cup of hot water and recieve that effect? Its not... realistic [cring, I know, I know..]

I imagine hoarders of rieshi and rosehip will point out you'd lose some motivation to get out there, wander the world and harvest sweet, precious tea stuffs. Those teas, plus herbal tea, have specific benefits, still worth aquiring. I'm just after a nice hot cup of something, it doesn't have to help my health, sleep, hunger, etc. I mean, you can make tea from pine needles, and they're everywhere!

I hope its not asking too much. Just for a hot drink that doesn't make me feel like I'm needlessly medicating myself.

Happy surviving everyone.

(p.s. I also seem to eat a lot of cooked meat that is surely frozen having been stored outside for days. Maybe I could heat that up too)

(p.p.s But the hot water is the main thing here)

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@Stone  I agree with your idea of being able to "reheat" water and meat, especially anything that has been stored outside for any length of time, which of course would normally have refrozen solid, irl.    Since the game allows you to reheat anything on the food side in a can, I would also like to see the ability of reheating any liquid beverage for its beneficial warming affect.  I am sure that if I was freezing i might be inclined to heat up a Stacy's Grape Soda and treat myself to something that probably would taste awesome as compared to drinking it ice cold!

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