CBC Article: The Long Dark is a fiercely Canadian video game. Why aren't there more like it?

Mel Guille

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This article was published while most of the team was on break -- worth a read if you've ever wondered why so little Canadian identity is present in games, even the ones developed here. 

Our Creative Director @Raphael van Lierop provided his thoughts on the topic as well.


Some of the highest-profile games in the world, such as Assassin's Creed, FIFA soccer and Mass Effect, are made in Canada. Highly anticipated upcoming games include Bioware Edmonton's Anthem and an unnamed Star Wars game from Electronic Arts' Motive studio in Montreal.

Yet for all these impressive statistics, you'll rarely see so much as a Canadian flag in games made here. If Canada is such a force in the world of video games, then why do we so rarely see it in our products?

Link: http://www.cbc.ca/news/entertainment/the-long-dark-canadian-video-games-1.4288563

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While I certainly wouldn't mind more of this kind of thing in video games, I don't often see American flags or Japanese flags in most of their games as well, unless, like the Long Dark, the setting of the game(s) is(are) in that country that it makes sense for it to be there. Though the Canadian flags within this game always make me smile when I notice them lol

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