Thoughts on the Roadmap Plus Some Other Thoughts


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Wanna start off by saying I love this game. I could care less what the haters and pessimists have to say. I have been looking for a game this true to real survival for forever. Anyways, I would lie to list some of my biggest "needs" on the roadmap, plus a few other things I have thought about. Let me know what you do/do not agree with.

1. New Animals- I can see that the moose is in production, but this is a very big one for me. Also, I think that the cougar is a FANTASTIC idea. Just the thought of having to constantly look up for cougars prowling on the cliff sides give me chills. The grizzly bear also seems exciting, but not necessarily needed right away. I also thing more filler animals should be added, though definetly not needed. Ex. Squirrels, Cardinals, Grouse, Lynx, Interactive Crows, Beavers/Muskrat, etc.

2. Guns/Tools- I also see that they plan on adding revolvers, which I love. I also think that shotguns would be useful, especially for birds, and a few other calibers of rifles would be neat. A better sway mechanic would also add a bit more atmosphere. Axes also look useful, but please do not ruin this perfect game with the addition of buildable cabins, because this seems very impractical in a real survival situation. As many people have suggested, makeshift spears would be useful in a defensive situation, and in a pinch, warding off wolves with the brandishing of your knife or hatchet would be nice. I might be wrong, because I live in lousy old Nebraska, but would some form of firearm be highly common amongst people in bear country? I don't necessarily want to own guns out the butt or finding one in every building, but I think the addition of a few new guns would be nice.

3. Seasons- I am totally on board with this idea, but I'm curious as to how a full-season option would work for sandbox. If there are seasons incorporated into a single sandbox, it would make it accurate, but not exactly the most fun, in the sense that one season usually lasts for 60+ days, and therefore would make the game a little boring before the season even changes. Rather, I would like to choose what season I want to play in at the world selection, but I'm not for sure. 

4. Misc.- An advanced firemaking method would be really cool as well as a multitasking method while cooking. I can see its planned but I definetly recommend. Advanced fishing would be great, as well as interactions between animals, especially with the latter recommendations, although bears should stay clear of wolf packs (which I find exciting yet extremely challenging), because a single bear could never take on a wolf pack. Snowshoes seem cool, but utterly pointless without the addition of collective snow, because it seems that there isn't really a struggle with the snow. I would flip for a wellbeing system, because that would add to the real struggle of survival, because your mental health is about half of what's needed for survival. 

Anyways, that's the end of my first rant. I hope to get great feedback as this is one player's opinion. Please critique accordingly and ponder these things well.

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I am all for new animals and filler animals. And i am really wanting season;however, im not sure how the fishing huts will stay out in the lake in the summer. maybe floats? But I think It would be great if the ice melted in the summer maybe just around the edges in big bodies of water that way the ice shacks would stay put all year around. But i would be cool if you couldn't cross rivers unless you jumped in the cold water and get hypothermia. 

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I think that the ice fishing huts might be dragged onshore if they add NPCs as the roadmap suggested, but otherwise would most likely just sink to the bottom as in a post apocalyptic world such as this, no (in-game) person would really care. But unfortunately even in Canada, summertime isn't so brutally cold that ponds stay somewhat frozen. So there would have to be something that would come out of the ice fishing huts being where they are

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I hope that when the seasonal transitions come in, we always start with winter. That will keep things challenging, plus, lead to new obstacles as the seasons progress. Imagine being caught out on jackrabbit island when the ice gets too weak to walk on. How long could you survive? I share the curiosity over what will happen with the ice huts. If they can be dragged off the ice, then hopefully that mechanic is also available for dragging other items, like a bed in your safe house, or even dragging a fire barrel to a building you want to use as a safe house. Or, if you have the ice huts sink, then it either makes fishing a lot harder in the second year with no shelter, or, you have to allow the construction of a new ice hut. Which still wouldn't have a stove, unless we can drag one there. 

As for the other comments, I've advocated more animals in the past, so I agree with you there. It would be nice to see a little more diversity in the wildlife around you. We already get to hear a loon, let us see it too. 

For firearms, I prefer less. While rural Canadians do have guns, pistols would be rare because you aren't allowed to carry them unless you are law enforcement. And, generally, they would all be locked up if you weren't actively hunting with them. I understand the desire to have a little more variety, but the challenge is finding the balance between having enough variety and not making this a gun focused game. Plus, the more guns you have, the more varieties of ammunition you need. So are we going to be finding ammunition all over the place? One of the things that hasn't been made clear for the sandbox, is the timeline of the electromagnetic storm. We don't know how much time has passed between it. Judging by the complete lack of humans, and the devastation of a lot of the buildings, it's been a while. So how much ammunition would still be around? 

And I do agree with the need for more tools. I've advocated for an axe and a spear before, and continue to think they would be good to have. It would also be nice to be able to have your knife or hatchet out before you are attacked. That could even be part of the customization of your character, deciding which fighting tool would be carried in a holster on your belt, and which would be stored in your pack. 

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I agree with you totally on the firearms, although I think diversity would be nice. I would rather not have guns everywhere, but maybe have a gun that can potentially kill a bear easy enough, or maybe the option for a scope. I think that this should for sure stay as far away from the fps section at all times, but still...

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16 hours ago, CalNieDaGtarGuy said:

Would ballistics for your rifle shots make this game too much of a first-person shooter? Just curious

I'm not sure I know what you mean by this, Do you mean like a video clip of the bullet expanding and the damage to the internal organs  and such? If so I do really like this in most games; however, I don't think so for this game. 

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I don't think ballistics need to be any more complicated than they are - perhaps beyond extending the max range of the rifle by a bit.

I mean, this is very much NOT a shooting game. In your average 50 day run, I might fire the rifle, what, 8 or 9 times? It's such a minor part of the gameplay that it simply doesn't warrant a very complex level of detail. I'd much rather see development time put into other aspects.

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