Smoking Station


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So the way I've seen it, once you have depleted most of the human food in the map, there are not many replenishable food sources that last a long time, so I thought of having a smoking station. It allows you to smoke raw meat instead of cooking it make it last a lot longer, but give you less calories. To make a smoking station you make a fire outside, and upgrade it to a smoking station using sticks and cloth, so it looks almost like a teepee with a fire under it. Now, smoking food does take a long time, so perhaps this could be included in a cooking revamp where it takes a long time to smoke the food(several hours) but you can smoke multiple at a time and leave it be(not confined to a menu like you are now.) I feel like this would add a bit more strategy to preparing food other than just cooking it. Perhaps you catch 10 fish, maybe you cook 3 or 4 to eat soon, and smoke the rest for later.

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A great suggestion. It could be craftable like the snow shelter, and interacted with like a fire. You start it, add wood and set meat to smoke. The fuel burn duration could be extended by double or even triple because the wood is just smoldering, not burning fast and hot. Each type of meat (fish, deer, wolf, bear) could have a smoke time per kg, which would pause if the fire goes out, like drying time does when you pick up an uncured hide/gut.

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  • 4 weeks later...

That takes a very long time and needs to be guarded against predators. If the bear is around he will come get that as should the cougar or pack of wolves. 

The fire needs to be low temp too.

Too many of the current mechanics need altering to out that in. Add stuff to fire temps climb fast....Can't do good smoke like that. Wolves run from fire....You would not want fire too close to food so they should not run. Bears don't have any ability to tear a place apart to get what they want.

Catch a bunch of salmon, cook it, leave it in the fishing hut or on the ice around it...No one takes it and it stays a long time...

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This Idea has being suggested many times before, but it would not work because of the bad weather. You can't smoke meat when winds are blowing from all 4 sides. However salting the meat and leaving it to dry out is just as good maybe even better then smoking it. Depends on the climate if the weather is windy but dry there will be no problem with drying out the meat even without salt, But with salt you can definitely preserve it for a long long time.

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