Journal, Challenges and Feats lost!


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Hey guys,

On the last hotfix, I lost all my journal, feats and challenges badges. The loss of the journals continued to be a problem and on logging in to play a game today... All my feats are gone! I had 5/6 (was still working on the fire one..). Please fix this. Didn't really plan on doing them all again. The feats, well, I will get them again as I play. But I usually play the Sandbox and didn't really plan on doing the challenges again. 

One more request, mind finishing story mode? You can always add more content later on in the form of updates, episodes or expansions!




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Guest Support

drmom - This is something we're looking into. In this case we essentially need the logs from the session that created the bad save data, but that would have likely been the session prior to the one where you found the data missing - We need to get a reproduction case so we can capture the moment it happens in a debugger, so far it's not been something we've been able to reproduce. Any information you can provide about what was going on in the game or on your PC prior to this would help. As noted sometimes Steam can do weird things sometimes, but I'm not certain that's the case here. 

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Thank you support for looking in to it! I cannot recall any specifics about when it happened other than I logged out of the game in the evening and then logged back in the next day. My computer had not restarted. I had not yet actually done anything in the game - the clue was the exclamation points on the journals and such were back on logging back in. This is not the first time I have lost the journals (which is just annoying, but not much more than that), but the first time I have lost feats and badges. Is there some data I can capture for you to aid you in your search of the bug? Just let me know where to look and what to look for and I will do that!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I lost all my badges earned as well as progress set back to zero.  I had earned free runner, and cold fusion, was about 50% on book smart, 78% on snow walker, 13 % on fire starter, and I dont remember the other one.  I was in CH after falling in water I entered one of the cabins at the fishing camp when the game froze.  I never entered the cabin, it froze as I went to open door.  I had to restart CPU and when I went back into the game all progress was lost for the feats, reset to zero.  My save game was still there though.  Not sure if there is a way to get this back.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thank you.  I attached my debug log from that game.


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