Log-Book Cursor movement, formatting, etc.


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I've started lately to write more into the log-book. At the Moment i am planning my trip from ML to TWM, writing down the equipment i need and the route i want to take including places i want to sleep at and additional equipment i want to pick up during my trip. That's really fun planning the trip ahead in this way. Writing down the stuff i noticed, that you cannot move the cursor in the log-book with the cursor-keys (up/down, left/right) ... if you want to insert/edit something in an already written text you need the mouse to place the cursor. Obviously it would be more convenient if the cursor-keys would be supported. 

Also it would be nice, if the log-book would support some basic formattings ... at least such formatting you would also be able to do with a pencil: underlines and strikethrough, lists (ordered / unordered) would be cool to have, too. This could be implemented by supporting a subset of markdown, eg.: __underline__, --strikethrough-- when you are in edit-mode and formatting it accordingly when you are in view-mode.

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I barely ever opened the logs and even when I did I was actually just asking myself what use does this have so I'll admit this doesn't concern too much, but I do support the idea for others on the basis that these are all basic functionalities that should be included. :)

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