More vertical movement


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Gosh, I feel like a spoiled child, asking for more stuff so shortly after a new update :D I'm sorry :$

But the point I'm going to make still stands: More vertical movement could greatly benefit gameplay. I thought of something like this:

  • Jumping: Allows you to leap over small obstacles such as the siderails in CH. Greatly benefits you when you're chased by wildlife, allows you to take some shortcuts but costs fatigue and may or may not sprain your ankle depending on the weight you carry.
  • Free-climbing: Not in climbing mountainsides, but let's say you're cornered by a pack of wolves and there's a hut there, you could attempt to climb the roof to temporarily escape them until they lose interest or have other wolfy-things to do such as an executive pack meeting to discuss mauling quotas or something. Chance of failure should be pretty high, since it's a last ditch effort, and due to the angled nature of those roofs, using the rifle should be impossible (also for balancing reasons).
  • Sliding: This one's more diagonal. Again, you're being pursued by a pack of hungry wolves who didn't get their paycheck yet and must thus resort to eat you. Your base is just down a hill, but these wolves are fast, so you decide to do snow and gravity do it's thing and slide down the hillside from full sprint.

Point is, a little verticality could make getting chased a much more adrenaline-pumping experience. What do you guys think?

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I am totally down for jumping and free-climbing with a chance of failure. I'd say free-climbing would have to be limited to something short, nothing like suddenly being able to climb Timberwolf Mountain all the way up.

Regarding sliding. Imho, it should be implemented yesterday, more as a bug fix than a feature. Right now, you can stand at almost vertical rocks as if your boots had glue. This not only feels weird but also breaks animal AI as they don't have a path to follow you and just ignore you even if you are just 1 meter from them. I think the correct implementation should be that whenever there is certain grade of inclination, especially on cold icy rocks, you should automatically slide and fall down, with consequences.

I bet they did think about all these ideas but they did not implement anything yet. The reason could be that it might require a big amount of resources dedicated to check all map areas and ensure you can't jump/climb/slide to where you're not supposed to.

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14 minutes ago, Kyopaxa said:

I am totally down for jumping and free-climbing with a chance of failure. I'd say free-climbing would have to be limited to something short, nothing like suddenly being able to climb Timberwolf Mountain all the way up.


Yeah, that's what I was trying to say :D

14 minutes ago, Kyopaxa said:

Regarding sliding. Imho, it should be implemented yesterday, more as a bug fix than a feature. Right now, you can stand at almost vertical rocks as if your boots had glue. This not only feels weird but also breaks animal AI as they don't have a path to follow you and just ignore you even if you are just 1 meter from them. I think the correct implementation should be that whenever there is certain grade of inclination, especially on cold icy rocks, you should automatically slide and fall down, with consequences.


Yep. Bruises, cuts, torn clothes... those things. Maybe less bruises when it's intentional, but clothes suffer nonetheless.

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Well, maybe jumping could work like a Vault animation if you're going to get over a fence or something like it? Although, sometimes, I'd get stuck in the terrain (over slopes most of the times) forcing me to abandon the sandbox game and start a new one. An actual jumping mechanic could have saved me in these situations.

Anyhow, jumping should be very limited, I don't believe it's easy to do it while carrying all that gear. Maybe if you have to climb something you'd be forced to drop some of your gear, same thing for free climbing - more decisions would be nice.

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54 minutes ago, ArcherAC3 said:

Anyhow, jumping should be very limited, I don't believe it's easy to do it while carrying all that gear. Maybe if you have to climb something you'd be forced to drop some of your gear, same thing for free climbing - more decisions would be nice.

Yeah, that's what I was going at. I also like the vaulting!

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