Trash-can a good scout and keep nature clean!


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Really strange request, but for now, a recycle bin would be great to permanently delete objects out of the game, such as expired food, clothing, tools etc. At times I have stuff that I try to hide or "keep clean", but this is not so possible as you have sacrifice containers to do this or be the real landscape litterbug. The option to clean/pick-up burnt out campfires  and expended torches etc. and dump this into the trash-can... As a funny, you could leave mysterious truck tracks in the snow, the trash was collected and you missed the ride out! :)

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50 minutes ago, cekivi said:

Being able to burn ruined equipment (that you can't salvage anything from) would be nice. As would being able to burn functional items. Sometimes you need that fire more than a bow and some arrows...

I don't know, so long as you can harvest the arrowheads first. I got mighty annoyed today when a wolf took two shots from my bow, and ran off with one of the arrows embedded in its shoulder. Its blood trail went up the hill, with an accompanying set of paw prints, which promptly vanished at the crest. I was quite annoyed, as I now only had 2 arrows left. Fortunately I found the wolf the next day, whilst trekking from Rural Crossroads to Contemplation Bridge, collapsed in a ditch, arrow still intact and poking out from its neck, but it just goes to show how easy it is to lose an arrow head, and just how much of a loss it can be. I'm not sure whether arrowheads degrade with use, but I am hoping that I don't need to go to Desolation Point to forge new ones yet.

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Being unable to craft arrowheads at a workbench is probably the biggest gamebreaker for me. I either:

1) Start out in Desolation Point, craft as many arrowheads as I can, then never go back.


2) Start anywhere else, build a bow, then realize that I have to trek for a week at least to make something critical to survival, something that I have made using nothing more than a hacksaw and a file in real life, and quit in frustration.

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