Fighting NPCs


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So. Some of them, like Jeremiah, will need our help; some, I guess, will be open to friendly interaction, perhaps even trading; but some are certainly going to try to kill us in order to acquire our precious resources.

How do you think that Hinterland will handle that interaction? How'd you like them to? Speculation time!

If they follow the current wolf struggle interaction, it'll be a clicketty-clicky QTE with a few variables thrown in -- mainly the potential damage of our weapon of choice. But what if they change it? How would you like it, for example, if they changed it to something more like a FPS experience? Are there other alternatives?

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I suppose they'll recycle the wolf-struggle mechanic - NPC attacks, you click and inflict damage based upon the best weapon you have equipped. Not the most realistic way but easy to do with already existing resources, and. quite frankly all I want to do is to brain someone with my hatchet, how it's done is of lesser concern :D 

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