Why so short?


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32 minutes ago, TWM said:

Issues like these, which come up time and again, might be material for a FAQ.

It would be quite handy to have a list of recurring issues people bring up time and again, with some explanation as to what was the thought behind the original design and why it can't be fixed.

That way, players can check (or refer) to the FAQ, lay the issue to rest and get on with the game.

I mean, we can conjecture all day long (the original idea was probably for the player to be immersed knee deep in snow; it probably would take way too many man hours to rescale the whole thing, not to mention the bugs...) but it remains guesswork.

Good idea, i used to write guides back in the days for Runescape, if it wasn't for the version these forums use i woud have already made a couple of guides but now i won't until the game sees a finale release if by then noone else has already done so, just like with the mapping, no use in that as Whiteberry already got that covered.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the impression, that this changes from build to build. Maybe they are trying to optimize it, but an official statement would be very appreciated on this. For example: In the latest builds the rails eg. in mystery lake seem more realistic than before. I don't know when this changed, but i think a year ago the rails seemed way to wide so i was always under the impression to crawl instead of looking from above the rails.

The bridges on the other hand often seem very big: it's often nearly impossible for me to have a look over the railing. This gives me the impression i would crawl rather than walk. I've this feeling with some roads, too when there are piles of snow along the street.

I hope, that this will continue to improve in future builds.

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