use of hacksaws


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I found out by accident today that a frozen animal corpse can be cut up with a hacksaw.  I than thought  as I do not have an axe yet (only 16  game hours into this try)  I would get some logs but no, hacksaws it seems do not cut wooden boughs.     Puzzeling,  but still enjoying the game  immensly


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Well, a hacksaw is designed to cut metal and to do that you need very fine teeth. This works great on frozen meat, but not so on wood. To saw dried wooden planks like 2x4's you need a saw with large teeth. Now I know from experience that it is possible to cut a 2x4 with a hacksaw, it is just not very efficient and will take a much longer time than using a wood saw. To cut tree limbs you need a saw with even bigger teeth. I've never tried to cut a tree limb with a hacksaw but I suppose it is possible but will take a very long time.



Tree limb saw:


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5 hours ago, cekivi said:

Note: you can saw wood with a metal hacksaw but it takes a long time and doesn't work to well. The fine teeth get fouled with sap and sawdust and need to be cleaned out or else it doesn't cut very well. :winky:

Finer saws also tend to break when confronted with wood, which is something I'd try to avoid, especially with sticks lying about nearly everywhere. My experience of that is built around my gramps being cheap about tools though, so I don't really know about higher-quality saws.

Didn't know about the hacksaw cutting meat though, this is really useful to me since in my current playthrough (25 days in) I still haven't found a knife or hatchet but I do have, for some odd reason, two hacksaws. 

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On 27-8-2016 at 9:25 PM, Survive757 said:

they should still allow wood to be cut with it, but would degrade the tool more so then normal use and take longer/more calories.

I'd be okay with this. Would not normally use it but if you don't have any other tools it could be useful. But then I would probably just go and pick up every stick in the area and I would be able to make a fire of the same duration without the degradation of my hacksaw. And it would probably take less time as well.

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