Crows over player kills/Blood trails

Thurman Merman

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1.  Wish crows would signal the location of player kills.  I recently killed 3 wolves on Jack Rabbit Island; didn't have a gun yet, so just knifed up.  Of course, I was at about 15% in the end, so had to go inside to sleep.  The next morning (of course the blood trail was gone) I could only find one carcass.  You'd think they'd be easy to spot on the ice, but I guess 2 ran off into the woods somewhere.  Wish Crows spawned over player killed animals - would help in finding them.

2.  Wish blood trails lasted a few days or until the next blizzard.  Crazy that you go in side to sleep or kill time, come back out, and during your sunny day, the blood trail just disappears.


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Welcome to the forums @Thurman Merman! ^_^

Blood trails remain an issue. I'm fine with them disappearing but you're right that they need to last longer than a few minutes on a clear sunny day. It's something that a lot of people (myself included) have requested. Crows over a kill (either by yourself or a wolf) would also make a really nice touch. I don't think it should happen every time (some carcasses may freeze or get buried before being spotted by crows) but with enough regularity to make investigating the crows worthwhile.


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29 minutes ago, Thurman Merman said:

AHHHHGGGG!!!  I just lost a bear on DP.  Where could he possibly have gone.  I looked under all the bridges, inside the silos, etc.  Wasted bullet and day.  Crows/blood trail, where are you when I need you?

Where about?  I've seen one bear near Rabbit Grove and another just north of the Log Sort [by the cave which obviously where that bear sleeps]

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1 minute ago, epitaxial said:

Where about?  I've seen one bear near Rabbit Grove and another just north of the Log Sort [by the cave which obviously where that bear sleeps]

No, I'm at Desolation Point.  He has almost nowhere to go but ice and hillsides.  Map's tiny.  Could have just disappeared, but I tried to avoid that by not going indoors or sleeping - stood in the guard house and mended my coat.

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1 minute ago, Thurman Merman said:

No, I'm at Desolation Point.  He has almost nowhere to go but ice and hillsides.  Map's tiny.  Could have just disappeared, but I tried to avoid that by not going indoors or sleeping - stood in the guard house and mended my coat. sounds like the bear may have fell off the boundaries of the map. :(

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13 hours ago, Thurman Merman said:

1.  Wish crows would signal the location of player kills.  I recently killed 3 wolves on Jack Rabbit Island; didn't have a gun yet, so just knifed up.  Of course, I was at about 15% in the end, so had to go inside to sleep.  The next morning (of course the blood trail was gone) I could only find one carcass.  You'd think they'd be easy to spot on the ice, but I guess 2 ran off into the woods somewhere.  Wish Crows spawned over player killed animals - would help in finding them.

2.  Wish blood trails lasted a few days or until the next blizzard.  Crazy that you go in side to sleep or kill time, come back out, and during your sunny day, the blood trail just disappears.


I agree, and by the way, VELCOM TO ZE COMMUNIST REGIME!!!

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my last game run i shot a dear it ran off but did find it about 3 days later dead. lets hope all animals die the quicker.                                                                

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54 minutes ago, Dirmagnos said:

In comparison to wolves bears may not bleed to death and recover later.

I once shot a bear, also at DP and after it was done running around like crazy for like 4 hours, all over the map, it just calmed down and had no intention of dying.

But this one was gone.  Went to that northern cave for the next few days - nada.  It's not like there's anywhere to hide on DP - he walks down the road or onto the ice.

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4 hours ago, nicko said:

my last game run i shot a dear it ran off but did find it about 3 days later dead. lets hope all animals die the quicker.                                                                

Deer and wolves bleed out relatively fast(id say within 5 minutes real time/1 hour in game time), but not instantly and they can travel a long distance in meanwhile. Usually not in a straight line as well - often after fighting off the wolf i tend to just stay put for a bit, since theres rather high chance that wolf will come back in its crazy fleeing pattern. One of the reasons why i never attack 2 animals at once is the fact that blood trail is barely useful(one of the reasons why i proposed tracking skill) and by the time i pinpoint where first animal have died there is no point returning, since blood trail for second one will be already gone and where that wolf may have died is any1s guess. Especially considering that they travel slopes(and in areas) inaccessible to player(something that is also rather serious problem).

While maps are generally not that big, considering that carcass can be anywhere its often simply not worth randomly wandering around in hopes to stumble on it by luck. In most cases, especially on Stalker, youd get attacked by something while looking and have to track new one... again.

And another problem with looking for runaway corpses is that they last for about 3 days, till meat spoils. So player can spend more time and energy hel even get back and even then it may be all for nothing since corpse despawned.

4 hours ago, Thurman Merman said:

But this one was gone.  Went to that northern cave for the next few days - nada.  It's not like there's anywhere to hide on DP - he walks down the road or onto the ice.

He may have despawned then, it occasionally happens when player changes instances, for example. Altho im not entirely sure what are mechanics for it.

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34 minutes ago, Dirmagnos said:

While maps are generally not that big, considering that carcass can be anywhere its often simply not worth randomly wandering around in hopes to stumble on it by luck. In most cases, especially on Stalker, youd get attacked by something while looking and have to track new one... again.

Yep.  I just got jumped by (ok, maybe I charged) 5 wolves outside the CH Quonset (since I got away with only a sprain on the 2nd and 3rd and was still at 71%, I decided to go for the other 2).  I was sure I wasn't going to find all the carcasses.  But, 4 ran right back into the townsite and died - harvested those.  The 5th corpse was out on the ice, surrounded by 5 more wolves.  I don't need that one that badly.

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