Snow fridge

jeremiah johnson

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I think it would be a great idea to be able to construct a type of snow fridge or cooler for storing meat in. Surely it seems reasonable that freezing meat would ensure its shelf life, but more importantly, i think having some place to store raw meat in the event that you aren't able to cook it all just makes sense. It doesn't have to be a complicated structure. Just a hollowed out hole or mound outside next too the cabin or dam or wherever you are located. Plus it would also allow for the chance to have wolves interfere with your recent hunt.

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Just a reminder to whomever might need it: we already can store food inside car trunks, corpses and other outdoor containers. Works great for raw and cooked meat.

With that said, I would welcome this feature with open arms. If a shovel is ever implemented, it could be used to dig holes in snow to serve as containers -- which would then require a shovel whenever we want to retrieve a piece. I guess that would balance the ability to create containers virtually wherever we want. (Plus the chance, as mentioned, of a wolf/bear finding and digging it up before us.)

Perhaps we could be given the option to dig them up with a prybar or our bare hands with a time penalty.

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I think this would be an interesting addition to the game, especially the idea of wolves and bears having a chance to raid the snow fridges. I guess that would force you to choose between storing your meat inside, where it degrades faster, or running that risk!

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8 hours ago, Wastelander said:

How about this: A plastic trash bag or piece of waterproof tarp filled with snow and hung on a tree. That would keep things cool and make it reeeeally difficult for bears and wolves to snack on your treats.

I'll certainly try to remember this tip when the next global disaster strikes, but I think this is a bit against the minimalistic approach Hinterland is using, isn't it? Within the subjective context of the game, at least to me it sounds like much of an effort to climb a tree and carefully open a trash bag whenever you want to store/retrieve something.

I think that "shovel + snow hole + scavengers" solves the snow fridge problem nicely, from a game design point of view.

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22 minutes ago, Hiemalis said:

I'll certainly try to remember this tip when the next global disaster strikes, but I think this is a bit against the minimalistic approach Hinterland is using, isn't it? Within the subjective context of the game, at least to me it sounds like much of an effort to climb a tree and carefully open a trash bag whenever you want to store/retrieve something.

I think that "shovel + snow hole + scavengers" solves the snow fridge problem nicely, from a game design point of view.

It's not that much effort - hikers and campers use this method (without the snow) all the time, and it doesn't even require climbing a tree.


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1 minute ago, Hiemalis said:

Ingenuous! And effective. But somehow I doubt that Hinterland will ever implement something like that.

The good thing is that whatever Hinterland doesn't implement, the modding community will. Hinterland will release their vision of the game, and that is fine, and I will play at least the story mode vanilla - but then I will install the mods I see fit ;) 

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5 hours ago, Wastelander said:

It's not that much effort - hikers and campers use this method (without the snow) all the time, and it doesn't even require climbing a tree.


I was think...
why food don't atract pack of wolves close to you?
I mean, if you have more meat/food, more wolves will show nearby looking for the "Carcasses".
also, I like the idea of make a "natural freezer", I am having trouble with "here do I put all this food?"

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Welcome to the forums @King.Of.Print! ^_^

Wolves should be attracted to raw or thawed out meat but as it is the game does not model this. Player detection is based solely on line of sight and not scent. That being said if you are being tracked by a wolf you can drop bait to distract the wolf and give you time to run away.

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What about the ability to gather snow and stuff it in a freezer? I keep meat in the freezer at the PV farmhouse... packing it full of snow/ice would approximate an icebox pretty well. 

It could thaw into non-potable water and need to be replaced periodically?

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15 hours ago, danicusrex said:

What about the ability to gather snow and stuff it in a freezer? I keep meat in the freezer at the PV farmhouse... packing it full of snow/ice would approximate an icebox pretty well. 

It could thaw into non-potable water and need to be replaced periodically?

Nice idea. Could be resolved (interface-wise) via menu, adding a "add/replace snow" button whenever we open containers.

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This idea has been suggested and requested since the game launched! But it's a GREAT idea non the less!

In fact this suggestion has been around since snow shoes and skis where suggested. And according to the road map they are inbound! So fingers crossed! 

The whole idea of the wolves, bears and the upcoming mountain cats digging it up could also add some much needed new dynamics to the game, I can see fights between scavengers breaking out around the ice box. 

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