Cosmetic differences in items...


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Just an idea to spice the game up a bit, how about multiple models of the hatchet, knife, hacksaw, rifle etc etc just to change things up a bit? They would all function exactly the same and weight the same etc. Collecting all the different versions would give me something to do once I've survived for a while... :silly: I'd love to see a more realistic hacksaw, a "sporterized" enfield (still without a scope), hatchet with a different head, a bowie knife, different colors of lanterns, etc etc


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Just to provide some visuals...

An alternate hatchet:

I am very partial to that particular hatchet, my dad bought me one 17 years ago (I was about 5!) and I've still got it! If I'm not too lazy tomorrow I'll go out to the garage and take a picture of it...


And a picture of a sporterized Lee-Enfield, this ones a P14, a bit older than the one we have in game, but close enough...




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I'd like to see some different things in the game as much as the next person, but I also understand that art assets are the most time intensive part of game development. This is especially true when you have a game with a unique art style. So I'd really prefer if Hinterland focuses on adding new functional content, as opposed to simply redressing what is already there.

Also there is the game design "rule" that you should never make items that do exactly the same thing look different. For example: having all the knives look the same helps new players understand they all do the same thing. TLD lacks any kind of tutorial or in game reference, so new players who found knives that looked different might assume they had different functions, and in turn waste time trying to figure that out.

I've worked in the game industry for the past five years, and this has always been a big no-go.

If they do begin to add different types of items that have similar functions but look different, then they should have some difference in function as well. For instance, a kitchen knife could have less durability than a hunting knife. Of course this would require some additional code, but I'd like to hope they're using an XML based system for plugging the stats in to Unity, as that would make adding new items really fast, once the art is done. (Since they put modding on the road-map, XML would make sense, as it is easy for modders.) But this is just a guess, I don't have any insider knowledge.

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5 hours ago, miah999 said:

If they do begin to add different types of items that have similar functions but look different, then they should have some difference in function as well. For instance, a kitchen knife could have less durability than a hunting knife.

This. We need less upgrades and more sidegrades. Items that are more accessible but less durable are a good start.

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I could get onboard with some "sidegrades"

For example, the P14 Lee-Enfield pictured above has a 5 round magazine, compared to 10 in the Enfield we have in game...  The sporterized rifle's weight could be tweaked to be slightly lighter for a trade off.

And how about a hatchet that's heavier, but lasts longer?


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