Energy Drinks


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So one of the more frequent problems I find while playing this game is the fatigue meter (but that could just be because I sprint to much) but it's been a while since I played. But I just thought that a double arrow fatigue just from walking is a little overkill. And then I noticed that only Coffee seems to have any effect against it. So I was wondering if anyone thought that energy drinks would be a good idea. But normally spawning in public places like the gas station, or in cars, in fridges. Same places you would normally find pop, but more in the stores. And if anyone has any other ideas for caffeine I would love to hear them.

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First off, remember that you're not taking a leisurely stroll. Often, you're trudging through knee-deep snow, up or down hill, and even when you're following a "clear" path, there's probably ice and stuff to make your journey hard.
Even with all that, you can still walk all day before becoming exhausted, providing you got a good night's sleep the night before; I'd say the double arrow makes good sense.

Nonetheless, energy drinks sound good. Are you thinking of any other effects, like walking faster, or a "crash" period after it wears off?

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