EternityTide Posted July 4, 2016 Share Posted July 4, 2016 The option already exists to build a snow shelter, and whilst this is an amazing step forward, I can see an instant drawback - cost. Currently the game requires 5 sticks and 3 cloth to construct a snow shelter, which would be fine, were it not for the fact that cloth is a non renewable resource. You would literally be throwing cloth away each time, which is reconcilable if it's a last ditch attempt to escape a blizzard, but not if you are trying to camp out, waiting for a deer. Hence, I have come up with a few suggestions (some of which have been made before, many times, but this is an aggregation and refinement of those suggestions, with some additions): Firstly, the addition of a number of new materials: Canvas- a folded piece of waterproof material, can be used to patch tents, is also a replacement for the three cloth in the snow-shelter recipe, and is recoverable (as in, you can use three cloth OR one canvas). Used to repair tents. Tent pin- A metal pin that can be hammered into the ground. 6 are required to set up a field tent, 4 for a hiker's tent. They also double as a weapon in combat (they are worse than hunting knives, prybars or hatchets, but better than nothing), can be used to smash holes in Ice for fishing, can be used to create latch points for ropes, allowing for players to descend steep areas safely. they provide 1 scrap metal when harvested. To put them into the ground, the player requires the heavy hammer in their inventory. Stony regions prevent pin placement. Ridge pole- A collapsible pole that can be carried in a pack. Is used in the Field Tent and the Rough Shelter. Harvesting it produces 5 scrap metal. Camp bed- a collapsible camp bed, lightweight and easy to deploy. It provides a bonus heat boost to sleeping bags (as you are not on the floor which draws away heat from your body) and also speeds up the recovery of injuries. harvesting produces 6 scrap metal and 5 cloth. Leather Satchel- This is a deployable storage container that persists wherever it is placed in the world. Its contents are subjected to the temperature of the environment, and bears/wolves can open it and consume any contents if edibles are stored in it, this will damage the satchel by 50% (if this occurs when its condition is below 50%, it becomes a Ruined leather satchel, which can only be harvested for 5 leather, at 10% condition). A craftable counterpart to this item is the Bearskin Satchel, which has the same properties. Field Tent Canvas- A canvas specifically for erecting a Field Tent. Can be broken down into 6 canvas pieces, and 5 line when harvested. And the following features Hunting blind A portable canvas blind which can be assembled quickly and at low calorie cost. It features an opening to aim from, will provide approximately 10°C worth of wind sheltering, and reduces the player's detection radius to about 3 metres. This feature is designed to be more manoeuvrable than the snow shelter, as you can move around inside and have a greater field of view, however in high wind speeds it will collapse, and wolf/bear attacks will damage it. Rough Shelter A step up from a snow shelter, but requires a canvas, a rifle or a collapsible pole. Provides wind shelter, but will collapse in high winds. Will shield the vicinity from directional winds, making it an ideal windbreak. All materials used in its construction are recoverable, but at the cost of 5% its condition per hour (with the exception of the rifle, which degrades at 1% per hour). Hiker's Tent A small two person tent, player can place a bedroll down inside. Wolves will not attack a player in this tent, but it is not safe to enter one if being pursued by a wolf (combat struggle will still initiate). Adds a warmth bonus of +5°C on top of a bedroll bonus, and stands up to any wind level. Degrades at a rate of 2% for every hour it is deployed, and loses 5% if a wolf struggle is initiated inside it. It is NOT bear-proof. Field Tent A rare piece of equipment, this tent is essentially a portable house. Expensive to set up (caloriewise) and heavy to carry, it allows the player to establish a base anywhere where the ground is soft enough to drive in pins. Assembly requires a collapsible pole, a field tent canvas and six tent pins to erect, taking half an hour to set up. It is the most hard-wearing of the tents, degrading by 3% for every day deployed, and is repairable with cloth OR canvas. Wolves are unable to enter it, however entering the tent while being pursued by a bear will not protect you, as they will be able to force entry into the tent (this damages the tent by 20%). Bears will not be able to do this if the player is inside and the bear was not aggroed. The Field Tent acts as another environment- entering it would be like entering a house, triggering a loading screen. The interior will be a small room, where a player can deploy a collapsible bed and drop a leather satchel. A lantern can be hung from the ridgepole. Sleeping inside the tent is similar to sleeping inside a house, however blizzards will wake the player during the night, if they start up whilst the player is asleep. If an animal's path means it passes near the tent, the player's sleep will also be disturbed. Snuffling sounds near the tent entrance will indicate the presence of a predator such as a bear or wolf, given enough time they will depart. Field tents can be left for long periods of time by themselves, but without maintenance, they will collapse after 33 days, requiring extensive repair before being deployed again. If left for too long, they will collapse and become buried, about 30% of randomly selected items inside being scattered about the campsite, the rest being lost permanently. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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