Magazine Ideas


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Before I continue, I just want to say that I do not have a problem with the current magazines, nor do I want them to be altered in anyway, my magazine ideas are simply additions to them, it is not in any way meant to be a replacement or a "better idea". Now, without further ado, here they are.

Scared Silly
 "The Tale of the Snowy Slasher" Description-  This magazine is a collection of spooky stories, Don't read at night.
What it does- If you are outside at night, you get a brief boost in alertness, similar to drinking coffee, lasts a very short time.
How long it takes to read- 2 hours

Great Gizmos 
Description- A magazine that discusses machinery and repair. A necessity for the common mechanic. 
What it does-Increases repair skill by 10
How long it takes to read- 25 hours

Max Physical
Description- A collection of tips and tricks on how to get muscle... Fast!
What it does- Slightly increases stamina.
How long it takes to read- 5 hours

I hope that these are good enough to be put in game!

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 Thats one substantial magazine, 25 hours.

I read about 1 page a minute(regular format book), thats 60 pages an hour and 1500 pages in total. Thats roughly the size of "War and Peace".


You could fit whole history of mechanics and machinery into that opus.

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