Experiences to v.388 #2


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Hi All,

I wanted to write this post earlier, but I had a serious challenge: real life work. Yes, this can happen even to the laziest human in Earth. And in addition I had to play a little... :)

So, here it is, journey times testing.

I was really lucky to make each of these test-journeys in clear weather, at very light wind. Others could measure different times.

Now, I would say I feel the concept behind the new stamina system. But I stick to my opinion, that around 25% of the difference between v.332 and v.338 should be given back. On the other hand, I realized that "perfect setup" to make is impossible, there are too many circumstances and possible player activities. If the creators will leave it as it is, I will happily live with it.

Thanks for your attention.


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nice work

but you are missing the weight value and the exact distance. In the "hunted" challenge, the record is about 6h from skeeter's to trapper's - thats why i wonder why it took 5h for you from ML to CH (walking). Anyway, weight is important for the stamina. 30Kg+ (walking) will drain your stamina faster as if you would have 20Kg in you backpack. Would be intereseting to see how exactly the effect is.

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7 hours ago, MueckE said:

nice work

but you are missing the weight value and the exact distance. In the "hunted" challenge, the record is about 6h from skeeter's to trapper's - thats why i wonder why it took 5h for you from ML to CH (walking). Anyway, weight is important for the stamina. 30Kg+ (walking) will drain your stamina faster as if you would have 20Kg in you backpack. Would be intereseting to see how exactly the effect is.

You're right. Well, actually I was moving from ML to CH, and I laid a plan that after moving I explore TWM (and loot it, of course). That, and the change from v.332 to v.338 in the middle of moving gave me the idea to make these tests. So:

Weight: everytime just-below 30Kg (28-29 or so).

Distance 1: from MisteryLake/CampOffice to CoastalHighway/CoastalTownsite
Distance 2: from PleasantValley/Farmstead to CoastalHighway/CoastalTownsite

Thx ;)

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