Xbox keybinds?


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Any idea where I can find the default binds for Survival Panel, Backpack, quick actions like Drop Decoy, etc?  I don't have an Xbox One or the Xbox version of the game, but I wanted to include mappings for those functions in a guide I'm writing so the Xbox folks aren't left out.  It's weird, but I just can't seem to find this information anywhere!


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Information on Xbox binds seems to be "unobtainium" -- first time in quite a while that Google has failed me.  

I did many keyword searches and even an image search.  The closest I found was some user-defined binds for using an xbox controller with the PC version via third party software.  For now, I've decided to leave the Xbox key mappings out of my guide.  As I'm planning to publish it to Steam maybe that's the best call after all.

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