Spawn of collectibles and hunts


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Hello everyone,


After some times, do the natural collectibles (such as sticks/wood or mushrooms/rose) respawn?

Same question for the deers/rabbits/bears. Let's say I kill a bear at a certain location, will it respawn after some time? If yes how long?


Thank you :)


Animals respawn.  It seems they pull from a mapwide population, so if you kill a lot of one animal it will take longer to see more of those type animals again.  But bears are rare enough to be individuals.  7 days.  

--Note: Fluffy and Scruffy do not respawn.  Once killed the chambers they inhabit will remain wolf-free.

Fuel respawns.  In the forms of sticks, branches, limbs, coal.

And that's it, except for snow.  That's simply infinite; no worries there.


OK thanks.


In the end medecine (including rose hips and mushrooms) is the only thing I will never be able to find in a lasting game.

Can we heal from everything just by resting enough?


There's a old forum post around here somewhere regarding 1000+ day survival games. It won't really become an issue until at least 500 days. There are some afflictions that do require medicine to heal. Infections are I think one of them. Without antibiotics infection will eventually kill your character.


All the afflictions that can only be treated with medicine are in fact 100% avoidable.  So careful living should still take you into an infinite game.


Well right now I am trying to shoot rabbits with my riffle (really want those mittens :|) so I am not being careful right now but it's nice to know that if I plan to never die it's possible :)


@cekivi : I just saw the topic you were talking about ;)

21 hours ago, selfless said:

--Note: Fluffy and Scruffy do not respawn.  Once killed the chambers they inhabit will remain wolf-free.

Wait... who's Scruffy?


Be not afraid of the wolves. A little wrestling and you have a nice pelt and lots of food :winky:

Just make sure you're at 100% condition before inviting yourself to (be) dinner!


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