Game Manual?


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I'm not sure if I understand correctly what you mean with "manual" in this context.. what exactly are you looking for?

You can have a look at the game's shortcuts by pressing Esc -> Options -> Keybindings if that's what you're looking for. Or do you have something else in mind like e.g. a wolf avoidance strategy guide or a description of all game mechanics?

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To the best of my knowledge @tecknomage there isn't a traditional game manual and I don't know if there's one planned for the future. Digital distribution has been great for the games industry but I really miss the full "Fallout" style manuals from the big box games of old. The closest we have right now is the Long Dark Wiki page. For instance, here is the page on afflictions:

Also, welcome to the forums! :D

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5 hours ago, selfless said:

It's actually falling out of date.  Need more volunteers to edit it.  Share your enthusiasm and knowledge!

I would do more but I am rather burnt out on this game...

I know the feeling. The game's still good but there's only so many tines in a row you can explore Mystery Lake. That's why I'm taking a little break and just doing the challenges for a little while. :big_smile:

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