Bow Aiming and/or crosshair toggle for weapons


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Can we please get an accurate crosshair, or at least a bow skill that gradually makes you more accurate and quicker on the draw with every successful kill/critical hit/animal hit? I don't need it to be Skyrim or anything, but at day 100+ when a wolf gets by the one shot I'm able to make and tears all my custom clothing, I then have to hunt about 8 animals and cure their hides just to get my clothing condition back to where it was before I missed that one shot. I know the game is supposed to be challenging, but this is edging toward ridiculous. 

I did notice that it's a lot easier to aim if I disable the entire hud so there is never a crosshair when I am hunting, but then I never have the crosshair at all. So I guess alternately if the community and dev's love the bow just the way it is, please give me a toggle option so I can have the crosshair never show up when I use a bow or gun. 

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4 hours ago, efrimblack said:

Can we please get an accurate crosshair, or at least a bow skill that gradually makes you more accurate and quicker on the draw with every successful kill/critical hit/animal hit? I don't need it to be Skyrim or anything, but at day 100+ when a wolf gets by the one shot I'm able to make and tears all my custom clothing, I then have to hunt about 8 animals and cure their hides just to get my clothing condition back to where it was before I missed that one shot. I know the game is supposed to be challenging, but this is edging toward ridiculous. 

I did notice that it's a lot easier to aim if I disable the entire hud so there is never a crosshair when I am hunting, but then I never have the crosshair at all. So I guess alternately if the community and dev's love the bow just the way it is, please give me a toggle option so I can have the crosshair never show up when I use a bow or gun. 

I can't agree with you more.  For some reason if you pull out a rifle and aim it while a wolf is aggroed on you it 100% will come attack you, which is a very cheap mechanic if you ask me.  I've tested it thoroughly.  Also the clothing ripping is ridiculous I 110% agree there.  It seems it happens almost every time when I have my crafted clothing and when I wear normal clothing it happens rarely and does less damage.  The mechanics feel very cheap now and it's VERY noticeable in this update.  Loving everything else though. But those two thing are EXTREMELY aggravating and make me not play a lot lately. 

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I don't know if this helps, but that dot on the screen when you are holding the bow is not a crosshairs.  It is just a dot in the middle of the screen.  

Where the bow shoots moves as the bow moves.  So ignore the white dot.  Or disable it, as you seem to have figured out.

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13 hours ago, selfless said:

I don't know if this helps, but that dot on the screen when you are holding the bow is not a crosshairs.  It is just a dot in the middle of the screen.  

Where the bow shoots moves as the bow moves.  So ignore the white dot.  Or disable it, as you seem to have figured out.

Well that's the thing, I can disable the dot, but it also disables all of the hud when I mouse over anything. I don't want that, as it would require more time spent in menus to check the condition of items, time left on a campfire, etc etc. I need an option to ONLY disable the dot; or I need a real crosshair, or I need the bow to not suck at aiming. Since the community and devs seem to like the bow being harder to use than riding a bull, I probably won't get that last one - which is why I am requesting either of the former two. 

Also yes - to throw my hat in with Nasdaq - I really wouldn't mind anything about the current system at all if every wolf attack that occurs (because I miss a bow shot) didn't set me back days or a week by tearing up my clothing. Bluejack said "Am I the only one who strips naked when I see a predator", I don't know, but I try to play this game in character - and the idea of seeing a wolf in this weather and then peeling off all my clothing before I try to kill him sounds like the behavior of a lunatic. 

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