Item degradation post tireless menace update


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Hello developers and thank you for your hard work! I have a question about the new item degrading in this update and can't seem to get a straight answer and would love one straight from you guys.  When I am inside my "base" say in trappers cabin in ML and have say some deer meat or canned goods, could you please tell me the difference if there is any of placing them on a shelf or inside a container? I'm just wondering if storing things inside a container or not indoors matter anymore as I would love to place some things on shelves ect.  Thank you!!

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I believe the general principles are still more or less the same, just the degradation rates got decreased considerably. Raw meat decays (by far!) fastest if left unharvested in a carcass. It also decays rather fast if left uncooked on the floor. Cooking it will preserve it extremely well now. If stored on the floor (or in a shelf), cooked meat seems to decay for 1% per day now, at least in the mountaineer's hut in TWM. Storing it in a container seems to prevent deterioration completely, both of raw and cooked meat.:crosseye:

Canned goods still decay if you store them on shelves, but at a slower rate than before - much like cooked meat.

No idea if the Mountaineer's hut is a special case because it counts as exterior for the deterioration mechanics, though. (It's considered interior regarding the time passed in the journal, but exterior regarding the cabin fever debuff - pretty confusing somehow.)

I don't really intend to leave TWM soon, so I won't be able to test deterioration rates in "normal" houses in the near future, sorry.

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I've been storing cooked meat in the locker in Trappers Cabin a few days now and have not yet noticed any deterioration there after about three days or so. 

But I agree that raw meat goes down very quickly. So much so that I've started building fires by the carcasses again to cook them off right after harvesting. 

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If i remember correctly they even removed degradation of the matches. I can't confirm in gameplay since my gaming pc broke last week,two days after the update was released (yeah,it's bad!) 

I like the fact that now the range of degradation is 1000 days. I'm curious to see in which condition i'm going to find items in regions distant from where i started (good old Mystery lake. And i still have to see timberwolf mountain and desolation point with my own eyes. Is timberwolf mountain cool? Judging by the screenshots you guys made over in the specifical post about 'em the cottage is wonderful. Can't imagine very well how ropes work exactly. Guess i'll have to find out sooner or later!)

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If you head up the winding river from the Mystery Lake Southern Access (toward the dam), look at the big rock cliffs on your left side. You should see a red cable hanging there. Walk up to it until you see the interactive text "climbing rope" and click on it. Use the Forward button to move up the rope to the very top. Stop and take in the view, rest a bit. The second one is just a short distance away, but it will exhaust you easily if you don't take the time! Climb that one, and the view is even better! And there is a new place there to discover, as well!

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