Fish Guts (Ew gross)


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Fish guts anyone? This idea caught my attention when I was crafting fishing line on timberwolf mountain, and came to the conclusion that deer gut would be far too large. If you make it so fish have a similar harvest style to animals, (meat, skin, guts, and maybe bones) you could use the bones for hooks, the guts for line, and skin for waterproofing clothing or something of the sort. It would increase appeal to catch fish, as they are currently one of the worst time/calorie tradeoffs that the game has to offer.

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3 hours ago, boshmi said:

Fish guts anyone? This idea caught my attention when I was crafting fishing line on timberwolf mountain, and came to the conclusion that deer gut would be far too large. If you make it so fish have a similar harvest style to animals, (meat, skin, guts, and maybe bones) you could use the bones for hooks, the guts for line, and skin for waterproofing clothing or something of the sort. It would increase appeal to catch fish, as they are currently one of the worst time/calorie tradeoffs that the game has to offer.

have you seen fish guts they have those bubbly things filled with air that are connected and you can't use that to make a line also animal guts are elastic so they can become a line. What will make fishing more appealing is  that fish can be used to create the best fertilizer for planting since meat will draw dangerous bacteria thus cant be used as fertilizer. another better  use for fish   is that it can easily be smoked and preserved in fish fillets and meat on the other hand has to be cut in to small pieces then hammered and then smoked which will take much time. Third option fish doesn't spoil on ice as fast as meat do it lasts longer.

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9 minutes ago, boshmi said:

Mainly I just meant that we could improve the use of fish, and I was throwing out some suggestions. I'm not really a survivalist or anything, so I wouldn't really know. Climbing is my forte.

I bet you start your char in TM then :)

fishing is already better then hunting for the long term, since hunting can get you close to wolves more risk and also you need to harvest on the cold, on the other hand you can lit up the stove in huts if you get cold. Braking the ice is no problem if you have the hammer, and braking the fishing line  is no problem too since you get 2 of them from guts and you can trap rabbits for guts hooks are easily made too so it is better survival choice for the long run when you run out of antiseptic, antibiotics and you are less likely to explore just survive. 

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1 hour ago, vancopower said:

I bet you start your char in TM then :)

fishing is already better then hunting for the long term, since hunting can get you close to wolves more risk and also you need to harvest on the cold, on the other hand you can lit up the stove in huts if you get cold.

Well, I joined the game in Deep Forest, but I always felt something was missing... something... climb-y XD
Needless to say I was exited when TWM came out. XDXD

I'm pretty sure that, for the time spent, fishing has a lower calorie output (correct me if I'm wrong) simply because I could fish for 5 hours and catch 3-4 fish with ~500 calories on them, adding up to 2000 calories, while I could spend 1 hour wolf-hunting, expending one rifle round, and getting 5 steaks with 700 calories on each, as well as a hide and two gut pieces. Risk vs Reward, but fishing seems to be lower risk and lower reward, while hunting is average risk and high reward.

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Fishing may be better in the later stages, when you have enough hides and guts already cured, and need just the food to stay alive.

Personally I've fished when I was low on meds and didn't want to take any more damage to my clothing.

Stripping myself naked to fight wolves just doesn't sit right with me . . . I would think you'd suffer worse bites that way.

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3 hours ago, hauteecolerider said:

Stripping myself naked to fight wolves just doesn't sit right with me . . .

I've always hated exploits like that, because they ruin the game's fun. Things like Hibernation, fuel-harvesting, and naked wolf fighting. Sort of kind of slightly more convenient, but just ruining all the fun. Like a really small breadstick. I kind of hate myself for not being able to thing of a better metaphor than that.

I guess fishing could be used in a hibernation game, adding just one extra step (eat, sleep, fish, repeat)

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19 hours ago, vancopower said:

have you seen fish guts they have those bubbly things filled with air that are connected and you can't use that to make a line also animal guts are elastic so they can become a line. What will make fishing more appealing is  that fish can be used to create the best fertilizer for planting since meat will draw dangerous bacteria thus cant be used as fertilizer.

As Vanco said, fish guts are pretty much useless except as fertilizer. Fish don't have the right kind of biology to make catgut (TLD's "Cured Gut") from their intestines. So, if the Devs do eventually put in a planting mechanic (like they mentioned in the Roadmap), I can definitely see the possibility of using their guts for fertilizing plants.

Almost all fish hooks made from bone are actually made from the bones of larger, terrestrial animals (deer, wolf, or bear bone would work), but I did come across a few instances of fish bones being used as sewing needles. If we ever get to use animal bones in general, I'd be cool with some bone needles from fish carcasses, and fishhooks from antlers or mammal bones.

If you take a look at this site, you can see there are actually quite a few uses for fish skin in the clothing-making department. I just learned this now :). I wouldn't mind me some fish-skin boots...

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