Hatchet over knife


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I don't believe this is a bug but please fix it, anyway. 

I crafted a Bear Skin Bedroll and it wasn't until after I was done that I realized that the game automatically chose the worst tool for the job. I had an improvised knife and an improvised hatched in my inventory and I didn't see that the knife works 10 hours faster until I didn't have the hatchet anymore. In fact, everything is crafted faster with the improvised knife but I cannot use it until I remove the improvised hatchet from my inventory first. 

I really wish we could choose the tool in the crafting menu instead of always dropping items on the ground and see what else works and in what time. 

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You should always have the option to change the tool in the crafting menu. Did you not have the arrows (look like these < >) on either side of the "hatchet" in the menu? That gives you the option to click through to the best tool possible. Easy thing to miss, I know! It took me two weeks of playing the game until I realized this!

TLD is deceptively simple, but there's a lot of stuff going on . . . 

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Look for the tool switch arrows the next time you try and complete a task with tool options (e.g. harvesting a carcass you can switch between knife, hatchet and hands). If you don't see them than you are experiencing a bug.

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This is broken, yes.  Good catch.  I so seldom travel with more than one tool at a time now that I never noticed.  Selection arrows on the crafting page would be a great solution.

BTW, arrows should still be craftable at the workbench and are the last item available on the list.  Arrowheads are not craftable on workbenches; you must find the Forge for that.

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