Under Zero

Monty Cristo

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A friend of mine, who knows I'm a big fan of TLD, told me to check out this new game called Under Zero.  He followed that recommendation by saying I would get a kick out of it.

He was right.  So I'm passing it along to the community for those who are unhappy with the progress of the game or anyone who is sad about anything at all.  It might just brighten your day a bit.

If that doesn't spark your interest, then just imagine what TLD would be like if it was developed by monkey with a 30 year old computer and a start up budget of twenty five cents.

Anyways, enjoy!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Yeah, it definitely isn't as well developed as TLD. I like to think about how great the development team has made TLD, and that despite it still being in alpha, that it's not a huge mess that is unplayable. 

I mean, there are plenty of games out there that are supposedly finished, and yet are so buggy or undeveloped that it's impossible to play at times.

I have one game that when an expansion for it came out, the bugs that still existed in the code would cause corruption of the entire game.

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