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Everything posted by jeridan

  1. To be honest I would not recommend trying the challenges until you have played survival long enough to explore and learn the maps. That said, the wiki has maps.
  2. I changed my "holster" hotkey to an extra button on my mouse so it's much easier to use. That said, I only walk around with a bow drawn these days when I'm in a known predator area..
  3. The position of the player determines if the magnifying glass can be used to light a fire. I have a fire inside the open part of the maintenance shed in BR. It's under the window next to the open door. On a sunny day, I reach through the window from outside and use the mag lense to light my fires while the fire inside is completely protected. Also do this inside of caves in the "outside" part of the cave, just next to where the temp changes.
  4. O my goodness, thank you so much. For some reason that container didn't map when I was mapping that area and it's down in a dip that you can't see when walking through unless you get very close. My collection is complete. Did you add this location to the wiki? If not, do you mind if I do?
  5. Update to my previous post; I did find the body on Marsh Ridge but alas he did not have the polaroid. I am growing disheartened as I don't think I will be able to complete the collection. I am continuing with mapping and painting POI's but with each one already searched and empty my hope fades.
  6. I would like to get an answer to this as well. I currently have 12/13 with the FM Muskeg Overlook being my unicorn. These are the listings in the wiki and my results: In the Low Blind, near where the Abandoned Camp sometimes spawns -- No polaroid At the High Blind -- Shortwave Tower polaroid On a dead body north of Old Spence Family Homestead, around the storage room with barrel -- No green box spawn as seen in some YT videos and body was empty In the shallow cave in Marsh Ridge -- No green box spawn, no polaroid in the backpack In a briefcase near the Bunkhouses -- No briefcase spawn In Metal Container in a Cave west of Old Spence Family Homestead -- No green box in the cave In a Bear Cave south of the Broken Railroad entrance -- Nothing but bones I didn't find a body on Marsh Ridge but I am working my way through painting each POI on the map and will update when I get there if anything turns up.