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Everything posted by CedarJack

  1. I think it would be great to have the option after spray painting somewhere to either map the marker or not. My reasoning: -I like to spray doors, cars and dead ends that I've already searched a lot but in places like Milton this gets a bit pointless having them all mapped and just having relatively redundant "multiple markers" points on the map. - For explored or not I just use the charcoal - I would love to mark some routes with go/don't go but mainly to have this show on the map for planning routes not so much for the actual visual aide when exploring
  2. I just wanted to say that having the option to have a casual mode as well as a survival mode would be great, rather than an option in the difficulty setting just having it as another mode. My thoughts, casual mode perhaps wouldn't count for some achievements and could have separate stats, it would have save mechanics basically copied from story mode, you could essentially use all the other mechanics from survival and customisation too but it has a different save management system so that if the devs find other ways to make save scumming in survival harder, the people who do it will have less reason to be upset too. It's pretty common for games to have both a standard mode and a permadeath mode and I think encouraging play in the permadeath mode with perks and achievements is great because it does gives people a new feeling they might not be used to, but I still think allowing this small choice expands the vocabulary of the game significantly, because there are many reasons to want to play an entirely safe version. Example, for me I like to play before sleep and I really can't play this one because it'll keep me awake with the little adrenaline boost I get every time I mess up or get spotted by a predator (pilgrim would almost get rid of this problem but for me personally that also makes the game boring) so being able to not get a chemical cocktail for wolf barks and wildlife struggles or getting caught far from shelter and food in a storm but still have to deal with wolves unexpectedly discovering me and stalking me would be excellent, then I can spend my weekends on a custom interloper based survival game constantly paranoid and struggling and I then have two very different games for the price of one. I think people who like to take games more seriously and work hard deserve the achievements more than I do when I'm just having a relaxed game otherwise they wouldn't feel so much like achievements but I also think having both as an option that would open up the game more and make me want to spend more time on it instead of switching to a different before sleep game during the week.
  3. Yeah the acceleration curve is pretty sharp too, but the part that bugs me the most is how massive the deadzone is. This game has the biggest deadzone of any fp game I've played on a console that I can remember, it seems like it takes up roughly a third of the sticks' movement radius. Like I've adjusted enough to hit targets ok, but it's hilarious going back to other games with first person aim mechanics and overshooting everything for the first few minutes of playing again. A big +1 to getting a deadzone slider in to chop this right down (to me the deadzone should only be big enough to stop drift when you're not touching the stick) +0.5 to being able to turn down/off acceleration +0.5 to being able to adjust aiming sensitivity separately from non-aiming sensitivity