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Everything posted by Adamo

  1. I think so, it doesn’t seem to be tied to an event or animal so yes thinking same
  2. Hi all super new to TLD playing wintermute first and loving it!! I’ve noticed some weird sfx with nothing to trigger it. Zip sounds, walking sfx, jangling pots and pans etc , often but not always , these happened during starvation while I’m lying on cave floor , is this hallucinations or bugs? And while out and about walking I often hear a buzz noise like a woodpecker but the wrong tone and seemingly coming from everywhere at once . like a loud rabbit thumping noise but far too fast! (using a PS4 ) cherrs!
  3. Been wanting to play TLD for ages but had to finish another game first. I’ve started on story mode and easy, and well it’s not going well I think I’ve just about worked out the aiming stones at rabbits but in meantime got myself into a right state of disrepair. Had a weird bug where I couldn’t use the can once it was on the fire stones, had to reload to fix that, and I think if I hit the PS button to return to the PS4 Home Screen the game isn’t actually paused, going to try the Options button next as there must be a way to pause it surely :) overall loving it just wish the frame rate was a bit more consistent!