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Everything posted by Tonya1026

  1. Yes! I actually tried that when I first played the game because that seem like the most logical solution for climbing down the ropes. Regardless of how close I would get to the edge and drop stuff, it would not fall unfortunately 😂
  2. Recently, I’ve been playing a lot of VR and most of my favorite games like Green Hell, Subnautica, and Fallout have all released VR versions. I was wondering if that’s something you guys are considering in the future? I think this game would be absolutely amazing in VR, especially the story mode, challenges, or when fighting off the wolves. I love this game and I would definitely buy it again for a VR version!
  3. I don’t even play interloper much, but I have to agree. Tales should definitely be available on all difficulties. Wintermute is exciting and challenging, because of the story progress, but almost any difficulty in survival mode gets too easy and boring when you’ve been playing for years and know where to go to get plenty of loot. In fact, I think they should add something like this specifically for interloper players only, to give more people a reason to play that difficulty. (Not saying this DLC specifically, but adding more of a challenge or a “reason” to play at that level as opposed to the easier ones.)
  4. After downloading the update on Xbox then downloading and installing the DLC, my Wintermute save is gone. The first three have checkmarks next to them but four is blank. I finished it months ago. Also just going into my saves in general settings, there are none. I knew my survival saves would be gone but I thought they were preserving the wintermute saves? All my feats and badges are still there, as far as I can tell, only EP4 was erased. When 5 came out, I had planned to restart the whole thing anyway, but I just wanted to see if this happened to anyone else.
  5. Spray paint is pretty new in the game, so I never really found much use for it. During my last run when I was having to make multiple trips to carry my stuff from one map to the other, I used the spray paint to remind me which cave I left my stuff in. I didn’t know it faded but I never really used it long-term anyway. When I first played and needed to mark a path in a cave I would use coal, sticks, rocks, or torches. But then sometimes I guess it would reset so I couldn’t guarantee that would actually work either. And using rocks or coal inside a cave when there’s already rocks in it, doesn’t help much anyway, truthfully. Honestly, I’ve been playing so long now that I don’t really need to mark my way because I know it pretty good. I also printed out all of the maps out so if I get stuck, I can always check my print outs.
  6. ok that’s what I thought. A couple people was saying the “first update was buggy”, so I wasn’t sure what they were talking about because Xbox and PlayStation hasn’t even received the first update yet, so how did they know it was buggy.
  7. I’m confused. You said “I don’t care that Hinterland delayed the second update…” are we not talking about the Xbox version of the DLC? I thought the first update is being delayed and the second was estimated to be released on the 30th. Since the first is being delayed they plan to just combine the two into one? Is there more news about something else that I missed? I was under the impression that you couldn’t play any of the new content for Xbox at all, but you can on PC, and even if you tried to play just the old content, you wouldn’t be able to keep your saves as of right now until the DLC releases. Is that not the case?
  8. I thought they were normally good about releasing on time. A few issues around some Halloween Events years ago but most updates and Episodes have been pretty close to on schedule since I’ve been playing 6-8 years. I’m more irritated that PC gets it 2 months in advance and then they push back Xbox release 2 more weeks after it’s already been 2 months. I know issues come up that can be out of their control but seems like it should have been known about and tried to resolve in those 2 months. I’m glad they let us know though cause I was logging on Xbox monthly since hearing about it back in October and becoming more disappointed each time. (I didn’t find out it was only on steam until Feb) After hearing the saves wouldn’t cross over I quit my run and started waiting for the release. Allowing console players to also buy on steam at a discount or have a way to merge our accounts would be awesome. I’ll admit I’m not a developer so I have no idea if merging is possible but a discounted option for existing players could be. If I would have known about the release date difference back in Dec I prob would have just also bought it for Steam instead of waiting longer. Thankfully this isn’t an “online” game so being 3 months behind isn’t a deal-breaker but it’s still very disappointing.
  9. Ok thank you so much! I’ll try to figure out how to scroll back that far to read it. Usually after I beat the new stuff, I take a couple months break so I miss out on the news and info during those times. I’m so excited for the new content!
  10. Have they released it anywhere that we can go ahead and pre-purchase it or find out how much it’s going to cost? For Xbox I mean, not steam. So the update that makes the saves incompatible is going to be free but in order to actually play the new content it’s going to be a DLC correct? Will we be able to just do a one time purchase?
  11. I heard back in fall 2022 this was coming out in Dec so I stopped playing my survival save and I’ve been waiting. Only to find out that it actually didn’t come out until February and it’s still not out for Xbox as of Feb 28th. When are they going to release information saying exactly for sure when it’s coming out?? I really don’t want to have to buy the steam version because I prefer games like this on a console, except VR ones. Also, will we have to purchase it separately from the game or is it similar to the episodes that get added every so often? I’ve been playing this game for many, many years (since episode 1-2 and have completed all available badges/feats/challenges) so I don’t want to play more knowing my survival saves will be incompatible with the new version. I’m getting restless waiting to explore! Please release more info that gives a definitive date for Xbox! Thanks!
  12. Thank you so much for the list! That is my biggest challenge trying to figure out if I found them all per each region. If I have a list I don’t want a map but I just don’t want to find only 10 on Timberwolf mountain and realized I missed one or two when I get down the DP. This will make my travels so much easier!!
  13. That’s my issue. I want a map to find all of them because I can’t find anything online and I have no idea how many are in each region to even know if I’m missing Some. So far I’m on day 300 and I’ve only found 72. There still a few regions I haven’t checked yet and I just started mapping them out on Timberwolf mountain. I still have to go back to the regions I’ve already been to and mark them down. I don’t actually have a real map of the game but I’m writing things down on a notepad. Even if I just had a list of how many to look for in each region would be super helpful! Honestly I think some of the achievements on the game are too easy and if finding all of these was an achievement it would actually feel like a real challenge.
  14. Has anyone actually found all the cairns and notes in survival mode? Are they in different places each game or always the same spots? I have Maps to each area but they don’t show the locations for these items and the only thing I can find online about them is an estimated number of each cairn per region. Does anyone have an updated list of the amount or an actual map showing where exactly they are? I think finding all of these should definitely be an achievement because it is extremely difficult!