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Posts posted by JohnnyCanuck

  1. 17 hours ago, Admin said:


    If you are having technical issues such as crashes please contact our Support Team at

    It's done! 😆 This experience concerns my wife who plays TLD for few weeks and she has this issue since the update... :-/

    I'd just want to know who have experienced this kind of crash among the community

    We've waiting et hoping that the next hotfix fix it! 😓

  2. 25 minutes ago, tortuosit said:

    It's confusing, you're not the first one thinking it is broken. You have to set a keybind (probably already there) AND activate it in the options.

    Great. Thanks for your answer!

    I defined a new keybind for auto walk but i didn't know i have to activate it in accessibility option...😡




    Other question : who have already experienced a crash game during a transition when you are leaving a building?



  3. 7 hours ago, ajb1978 said:

    Yep.  FOV differences almost threw me, but this is definitely the location.  This really reminds me of the "Guess where I am" screenshot game we had a few months back.  In fact I would not be at all surprised if that was the inspiration for the polaroids.


    Clearly! When i found a Polaroïd in game just after the update, i didn’t know what they are and what they mean...but i quickly understood that collection was a kind of « orientation game » like the game i’ve launched here in this forum before i change my username. Maybe i should claim copyright 🤓

  4. On 5/20/2020 at 12:43 PM, atomic said:

    I really like this update, great job!

    Autowalk - I've really been waiting for this, but it's strange now after >400 hrs playing without it^^

    Spray markings - this is a great idea, especially because you can see most of them on the map. I can imagine how important it is for new players. I had plans to finally explore HRV anyway, so I'm really looking forward to test this feature. But it's true, it's kinda weird that you can summon a spray can without having one in your inventory, even if you are not able to spray on anything then.

    Mapping - I like the way this is working now. It really makes sense. What's great is that you can see how the fog of war dissapears.

    Map & Journal improvements - this is so nice! In the past days I was about to start to work on the faithful cartographer achivement. You have really saved me a lot of work to find out what I have missed!  Funny to see that I have quite often forgot to take out the charcoal right before or right after I left / entered a new map ("to Ravine", "to coastal highway" missing).

    Rock caches - another great idea, which really fits the environment of the Long Dark to me. It will be definitely of use during my exploration of HRV. Now I ask myself whether I sould bring the 50 stones with me or whether I will find them there. I've already noticed there are much more stones laying around now.


    I've found my first polaroid here:

      Reveal hidden contents

    Quonset Garage behind the counter




    I’ve found this one too but did you succeed in learning the indications behind the picture? 

  5. On 5/5/2020 at 11:03 PM, LaPtiteBete said:

    Thanks Sir !! 😊
    I've just finished the Story mode a couple weeks ago (I struggled a lot with some parts...!), and I started my first "Survival" mode a few days ago...
    Luckily I can benefit from some help at home ; we are two to play, and my partner is way more skilled than I am! 👀

    That's right!!! :D 

    But you have made my avatar and you have more skills to do that than me...

    • Upvote 2
  6. On 5/6/2020 at 4:32 AM, odizzido said:

    Autohotkey is the program you need, and then you need a script for it to run saved in the file called autohotkey.ahk

    here is the script I use for it, you can copy and paste it. Mine doesn't have autowalk though, it just auto clicks. It's also great for any games telltale made(they're actually why I started using it. I want a story, not to ruin my hand)

     setKeyDelay, 5, 5
     setMouseDelay, 5

        while (getKeyState("z", "P"))
            send, {lbutton}
            ; send, {e}
            sleep, 5


    On 5/6/2020 at 5:12 PM, Paphalophagus said:

    As @odizzidosaid above, you need a utility called AutoHotKey, which can be found at this link -

    You need to download and install that for the script to work.

    This is the script as it was posted in the forums here a while back by @ajb1978:

    ; Autowalk & RapidClicker for The Long Dark
    ; To cancel autowalk hit the (autowalk) key again, or press w, s, (inventory), (radial) or (clothing)
    ; Send left mouse button clicks by holding down a key
    ; Hold F2 down to send a left mouse click every 50 millisecond.  Release F2 to stop sending clicks.
    #SingleInstance Force
    #IfWinActive ahk_exe tld.exe   ; works only when TLD is the active window
    F2::	; hold down 'F2' for wolf struggle
    	While GetKeyState("F2", "P") {
    		Sleep 50
    q::  ; KEYBIND Autowalk
    	SendInput % "{w " ( (autowalk:=!autowalk) ? "down" : "up" ) "}" 
    #if autowalk   ; PERFORMANCE capture these keystrokes only when autowalk is active
    ; TAB::      ; KEYBIND information
    i::      ; KEYBIND inventory
    c::        ; KEYBIND clothing
    	SendInput {%A_ThisHotkey%}
    	SendInput {w up}
    Space::        ; KEYBIND Radial menu
    	SendInput {w up}
    	SendInput {%A_ThisHotkey% down}


    This script not only gives the ability to use the 'Q' key for auto walking, it also gives the ability to use the 'F2' key in a wolf attack. Instead of having to repeatedly press the "F2" to fight a wolf, with this script you just hold it down and it performs the rapid click at a set interval.

    Here's a slightly edited version of the above script:

    ; Autowalk & RapidClicker for The Long Dark
    ; To cancel autowalk hit the (autowalk) key again, or press w, s, (inventory), (radial) or (clothing)
    ; Send left mouse button clicks by holding down a key
    ; Hold F2 down to send a left mouse click every 50 millisecond.  Release F2 to stop sending clicks.
    #SingleInstance Force
    #IfWinActive ahk_exe tld.exe   ; works only when TLD is the active window
    F2::	; hold down 'F2' for wolf struggle
    	While GetKeyState("F2", "P") {
    		Sleep 50
    e::	; click to pick up items 
    	; hold for continued pick up
        	While GetKeyState("e", "p"){
    	Sleep 100
    x::  	; KEYBIND Autowalk
    	SendInput % "{w " ( (autowalk:=!autowalk) ? "down" : "up" ) "}" 
    #if autowalk   ; PERFORMANCE capture these keystrokes only when autowalk is active
    ; TAB::      ; KEYBIND information
    i::      ; KEYBIND inventory
    ; c::        ; KEYBIND clothing
    	SendInput {%A_ThisHotkey%}
    	SendInput {w up}
    Space::        ; KEYBIND Radial menu
    	SendInput {w up}
    	SendInput {%A_ThisHotkey% down}

    This version also uses the "F2" command as the original but also adds the ability to use the 'E' key in place of the left mouse button to pick things up, open doors, etc. I also changed the 'Q' key for auto walking to 'X'. It just suits me better.

    To use the above script of you choice, after installing AutoHotKey, copy the code in one of the above boxes (you don't need both), open Notepad and paste it in. Then save the file with an ahk extension. DO NOT save as a txt file. It must be an ahk file. Then you just click on the ahk file before you start TLD.

    Thanks to you for your helpful reply! 😆

  7. For my first long run (200D) i was pleased to rest in paradise meadows in Milton but just because i’m feeling great when i am outside on the terrace and i observe the point of view front of me...

    I like particuraly the lodge in TM just at front of the lake. Great hunting spot with all wildlife 

    after i believe in the power of mistery lake on our mental. As soon as you arrive in this region you are feeling at home i’m think, don’t you?