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Posts posted by RegentRelic

  1. I do think the use of strong language was a good call distinguish the prisoners from the rest of the cast. As well as distinguish the two goons from Mathis as being idiots. I do agree though that it was excessive in places. By having a few well placed rude colloquialisms you can communicate the type of speech a character uses without actually including them in every line. Not to mention bring more attention to lines that they are used. With the goons in particular it was tricky to pick out what was just chatter and what was progressing the plot.  Also my Russian friend a colloquialism is only as strong as it's intent and in U.S.A/Canada there is so much foe aggression and postorism. As well an aggressive need for small children to prove that they are big boys now that even the most vulgar of language becomes nearly ironic. Leaving simple swears that were popular in ones youth more effective since it shows a sense of simple mindedness and reversion. Which may or may not have been something you picked up on during your language studies. There is a saying that I find to be quit accurate sometimes. "In some places English completely disappears, In America  they haven't spoke it in years."

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  2. I'll go in depth tomorrow. It's late where I am but, I just finished the episode and I would like to complain.

    • I really liked just about everything up to the first quest. The animation was great, Mathis was intimidating, the plot was well set up. Only thing is that will's voice can be a bit annoying sometimes when he lies and kind of sounds like he's winking to the audience.
    • the first quest was about the most stock standard fetch quest imaginable and the note that supposedly gave us direction to the meds said that they went down the hill. Meaning that when I came a cross roads and one way went down hill I figured that was the way. Yes, any one using the map would not even need to read the note and would instantly know where to look but, I didn't want to use the map because it ruins part of the experience. To be clear I am made about the made directions not that I got lost. Getting lost is strong candidate for the best experience in the long dark. 
    • As I was looking for the medical supplies I stumbled upon Mountain Hut No.2. I'm glad this episode had the full range of wild life. I got surprised by a bear later on my way to the power plant and had a duel with it that was more epic then the redux version of the old bear fight.
    • The trip to the power plant during the blizzard was one of, if not the best moments in Wintermute the fact we were exploring a new area, with the illusion of time pressure,  with low visibility, in freezing whether, with a bear!
    • I was really like the change up up that the steam tunnel gave from the mines until we had the steam directing mini game that broke the pace of play to much. I think that it would have been better if there weren't the lamps so, then at least  there would have been a relevant time pressure. Maybe keep the lamps in lower difficulties so, that the stress of having the darkness clos'n in around you is only felt by those who are there for that. 
    • I liked the gas mini game better since it didn't bring the momentum to such a screeching halt, also this area had the best timber wolf placements. As in it was the only time I actually fought them and it was really fun. I even liked the implementation of the lamps a bit better. Only other thing to note is that players only fall for the "oh no you better hurry or else somebody is totally going to die" Routine so many times.
    • I should have stuck around to se if the prisoners would ever make it through the door after you get the hard case. Mathis was well written, animated and voice acted, which was the most import thing in most the cutscenes. I do question though were all the prisoners came from at the end to operate the search lights?  I liked it back when we thought that the list from the bus was a definitive number and I thought we could keep track of them but, nope Hinterland can just materialize new convicts out of the air. 
    • The map design it's self was top notch; one of the best regions yet. I'm very exited to play it in survival mode. I'll go more into it when I write down my full thoughts. There's a lot to breakdown.  Like a full Milton worth of chairs and tables to break down.
    • That is tragically this is where my praise ends because the only real issues are in the ending. This is the only episode that didn't leave me excited for the next one. I'm left wondering how Hinterland is going to top this one in terms of action. Not saying that better action sequences don't exist because, they defiantly do. More so, I am questioning how Hinterland is going to top it. The obvious answer is that they won't. At least not as far as high octane action goes which is a good thing since, the long dark isn't focused on action.
    • I feel robbed. Like I was going to take a stroll down the block but, side walk and road under construction or somebody let the air out of my tires just before I went out to eat. I haven't lost anything. I haven't been hurt. It's not like there aren't other things I could do. There are probably better things to. I question why can't I why must these things occur. I understand the road and sidewalk being blocked and who knows I might just find I like this way more. the construction is faster that way and I can always just go the other way. But, what's with the tires? who does it benefit? I am referring to the fact we won't be getting to go through desolation point in as Astride on our way to Perseverance Mills. Which desolation point is the densest area as far as survival mode environmental story telling. Meaning that would be Interesting to see in it's Wintermute state. I probably wouldn't even be bothered by it if I hadn't gotten excited thinking that Jesce was going to be Katie who seems like she would've been an interesting character to meet.  I mean they both have an association with bows, hunting, are girls and the fact that we went so long without getting Jesce's name made it seem like there was going to be some sort of a revel. I've heard it said several times but, can't find any evidence for it that Katie has an association with crime as well and just by being in episode four Jesce had an association with crime. Not to mention the fact the she talks more like one one of the convicts then any of the other characters was basically a direct misdirect. Also how was she watch through the cameras when when the power was out? 
    • Lastly when Will fight Mathis at the end completely destroyed all the build up the excellent writing had done for him and by extension Donor. Mathis should only should have only been frightened for a moment when he heard about Donor being injured and with in that same glanced turned to complete anger. Instead of the long fight that we got that demend Mathis as a physical threat we should have had will get that first hit on Mathis and then get completely destroyed only to narrowly escape of edge maybe even have Mathis catch Will and start pulling him back up just as a moment to scare the player (since at this point being the end of the episode and us having a secondary player character; will is allowed to die.) as Well as to show Mathis is strong enough to over power Will and gravity. Also showing that Mathis isn't going to let go.

    Last thing. I wrote this before reading what anyone else had to say so, I might be saying exactly what everyone else is saying or be completely against the grain. Probably a mixture. Okay, now I can sleep.

  3. Guys, I know you are talking about the janky hit boxes hit boxes on corpses and items that are crammed together. The solution though isn’t to enlarge it since, this is problem for than just rabbits. The solution is to find the bug that keeps making it smaller. There’s probably a bit of code somewhere that is meant to make picking things up on counsel easier by scaling the pick up area but, keeps scaling it down instead.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Cr41g said:

    any word on trophies or achievements ?

    We can assume that this episode will have three achievements for benchmarks in the story and one for completing all the side quest. I wouldn't be surprised we also have a secret achievement and an achievement or two for specific side quests.

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  5. Just watch. Something is going to go horribly wrong in the next two days and we're not going to be able to play it. Like I mean just think of all the things that could go wrong. A squirrel could chew on the wires at the local substation, knocking out the power. Raphaels childhood rival could sabotage the power, knocking the power out. The aurora could happen, knocking the power out. Vancouver could be nuked, knocking the power out. Everyone at Hinterland Inc could have a heart attack, not knocking the power out. Michelle Obama could knock the power out. I just hope hinterland is prepared for each of these possibilities. If not there is a good chance that we won't get episode four. 

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  6. 2 hours ago, Leeanda said:

    I've had the game a few years so never seen that one! What did that involve?,October%2010PM%20PST%20%20%201%20November%20 So, basically it is the Halloween event Hinterland did since 2016 up to last year. On the for days leading up to Halloween where it was night all the time and each of the four days have additional challenge: No wild life spawns, extra wolves, aroura and constant blizzard were the challenges in 2019. Before 2018 there weren't daily challenges but, they did have a modified wolf skin. There are few other changes like pumpkin pies being an item and candy bowls spawning on certain door steps.

  7. The thing Mackenzie's hands at 0:05 to 0:07 seems a bit to far away either that or the angle is off. Maybe it's just because I would be more focused on leaning up but, something just seems off. I think it's the angle. Looks like were going to have run in the bus or use the  falling of a rock at the perfect time so, that wolfs can't find you technique, to avoid the wolf. Defiantly looks exciting.  I really like the cold, stony and castle like aesthetic of the prison exterior in the 0:12, 0:18 and 0:25 shots. The rest of the interior seems like its going to be very reminiscent of Carter Hydro Electrical Dam or maybe even the old version of The Dam. 


         It seems like we are finally actually going to be able to see a character change positions out side of a cutscene in 0:30. Maybe they will just have roof collapse on him or something. Maybe well even get a break from the fetch quest structure considering it seems like will have a portion of the episode that can't have us back tracking. Or at least narratively justifiable back tracking. I'm liking the idea of the fire cracker as an aid for newer players and players who are struggling with timber wolves. Just as long as they don't work on bears and moose. Also I'm guessing they will be craft able with gunpowder, cans, and cloth giving at least one out of Bleak Inlet point to gunpowder and it's crafting ingredients as well as a use for your seventy five infinite cans. So far I am liking almost all of the sound design from the music to the voice acting. How ever I'm not great at listening to music I'll have to wait see it to know if it holds up on a deeper level.




  8. On console you just double tap and it goes up to maximum. On P.C I've never had a problem since I have my repeat rate at 16clicks per second with a 0.8 second delay so, I can harvest 32Kilograms of anything in under three seconds.

  9. 21 hours ago, Stinky socks said:

    I don't remember having a dot. It only appears when you pick something up. When you shoot an arrow, you go into aim mode and Astrid or Will pull the arrow back for a shot. I dont remember having crosshairs or dots there..

    You can turn it on permanently in the settings. I wouldn't though since it is really annoying.

  10. You can get them to wig out and get stuck in a corner in a few areas (examples include most of ash canyon, all of hushed river valley and the one at crystal lake). Now that they don't wall climbing abelites. Wait until they run towards you and then fire at point blank. If your not able to do that and have to shoot normally sneak up on it then un-crouch and quickly fire. You actually want to go for a broad side shot if  are willing to follow in order to increase the area of deer that you can hit. Shooting dear is inefficient anyway though. Unless you are trying to get the Waist Not Want Not achievement then chase them to a wolf then shot the wolf. The wolfs are stationary and you can get really close. Plus you get way more food and hide for your arrow durability.



  11. You know those times when you just need to prepare a bunch of tea ingredients or read a book but, you don't want to waist day light. I think that with level three fishing you should be able to perform reading, handcrafts, and rabbit harvesting while your fishing with a increased chance of breaking your line and/or decreased efficiency while performing this maneuver. This also makes the rather boring ice fishing skill levels a little more interesting by making the stuff wiht each level a little more interesting. There could be an additional upgrade at four and five that removes' the de-buff. I think level three so, that it doesn't break the early game and early enough so, even if the player isn't a fan of fishing they will eventually get to it. Okay so, maybe fishing needs to be a little easier to level up too three. Level three fishing is also late enough that players that don't really on fishing will have already gotten their other skills (except gunsmithing and revolver) up to the point where books hardly matter and can be hard to spend time reading. I keep getting gunsmithing books that never read because I won't be making my way to bleak inlet for hundreds of days if I read those books, say while fishing. Then I might make my way over there sooner meaning I would get to engage with those systems. Personally I think that fishing is fine as is on all difficulties, but I know lots of other players need an extra incentive or lack of incentive to not, to use it as a food source. At least as mid-late game one.

           Because I'm not a fan of the game getting easier this ought to be accompanied with something getting harder. Like say perhaps sprains had stricter circumstances that could happen but, had effects even they have been healed. For example sprained ankles could half your sprint stamina for the next day and sprain wrists could do the same for your aim stamina. Perhaps using pain killers would reduce the effect to a quarter giving them a use again. Better yet as the time runs down the percentage reduced is decreased so, at 24hours remaining the effect is 1/2 but, at 10hours remaining the effect is 1/5 (number need tweaking of course) and then taking pain killers would reduce all residual sprain effects to 1 for an hour of two.


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  12. Yes it doesn't make any sense but, I think that it's a good gameplay mechanic when chance happens that you only have enough medical supplies to heal part of your body and you have to choose what to heal. Unfortunately that only applies to bandages and very rarely Anti-biotics .The new pain killers don't anything unless you heal all your pain and I'd ask when was the last time you ran out of Anti-septic's was.


            One thing that I really hope does get re-worked though is the lasting consequences of injury and illness. Oplie said what if sprains had stricter conditions where they are possible but, your sprint meter was halved for the next day or if after heling a sprained wrist your  drawing animation was longer for the next day.

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