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Posts posted by RegentRelic

  1. This a continuation of a run where I reviewed the free update. It's over in the survival mode sub-form if you're interested. The setup is that I am going to the Branch Line on day twenty-nine with all the tools and weapons (except a flairgun) I want. I have a bear coat, rabbit hat, deer boots, improvised crampons, and mostly high-quality clothing items. The only thing I am missing is a moose hide satchel. I also have level three in Butchin' and cookin'. As well as level two in most of the relevant skills. I'm not using any feats.

           The Branch line was long and ominous with the lack of wolves really letting you just slow down and travel which is something that game has drifted away from over the years in some ways. Some people might say that the trip is boring, but I think it would have been a drag if I had to fight a wolf or bear every five minutes. I liked how Hinterland managed to give some options on how to approach a few parts of the region despite it being it a transition zone. All the caves keep you from freezing without telling you to stop which is perfect. (in this run cold isn't issue for me though) I can also see people running out of light at some point and having to Panick through the dark. I'm glad in a game called The Long Dark the dark is at least occasionally an issue. Perfect 10/10. Best transition zone as a transition zone. I don't have any issues with any of the transition zones though. 

            When I saw the water tower in Transfer Pass I was field with anticipation. A key area that is field with hostile wildlife. A choice between going around and dealing with the wildlife. Nothing though completely empty. Did I just get lucky? There's a timber wolf in the trailer and wolf on the loading screen? It's not like I just missed them as I did stop to harvest the cattails and didn't hear any howling. At this point I've traveled a similar distance as from the Maintenance Yard and Carter. I've taken every turn if come across and I've seen one wolf, two deer and three or four sets of rabbits. At this point the world was feeling a bit empty and I don't mean that in the way that the world of The Long Dark is supposed to be empty. Maybe it is. Like Part of the world is missing. Maybe by taking a way mechanics Hinterland has achieved what one of the core feelings the game is meant to invoke. Or there will be a mountain lion or two around here. I am going to assume that's the case because Forsaken airfield a achieves the feeling of a lingering stillness, heavy on the air much better. 7/10 Boring but, I love the sign posting though.


          I think the best way to describe Forsaken Airfield is that its pleasant valley with ash canyon rapped around it, but bigger. Following the roads will take to most of the shelters, but, you will miss the lots of cool stuff following it.



    A little way into the region you start hearing wolves and you don't stop hearing them.


    The wolves are pretty far out of the way but, you can always hear them. Reminding you that they are there. This is how the long dark is at it's best. Not when It's throwing Timber Wolves or ambush Bears at you, but when you can pensively plan your next move, debate your routes with yourself, wonder how a world that feels like this could come to be. Think of the cold, think of the hinterlands. Shed a tear for home maybe. But they remind you they are there. Waiting for you to slip up. Crows of the ground. Men if men were animals. Whatever you call them. Most people call them wolves. The wolves in Forsaken airfield are a lot scarier than usual the area is so flat they can't be cheesed and i've never seen a pack of less than three. Like I said they aren't in the way most of the time and it takes along to get to them. Those things combined with the fact you can see them from aways away is all building to when you are carrying to much raw meat or turn the wrong way in the thick fog or heavy wind that's so, common in this region and find yourself put upon by half a dozen of them. You question the choices you made. Feel angry at the risks you took. When you realize your ability to live is less then it's opposition. For A brief moment when your put upon by these packs of wolves is the closest thing that video games can make you feal to realizing you're in an actual survival situation. It's a slow panic.


                The airfield its self only has a few issues. You can tell that hinterland spent alot of time figuring exactly how far apart everything can be. Same with the whole region on that front. Everything seems so, far away, but doesn't feel like the game is wasting your time (a feeling I get alot in games). I like the underground work bench as it adds another layer of difficulty and forces the players to make interesting decisions every time, they want to use it. In some other regions the lack of easily excisable work benches would be an issue, but as most people who buy the DLC are going to be veteran players I think it was a great decision. I did find a fresh fish in the main hanger on day 32 which was a bit weird.


    I found a short cut back to Transfer Pass behind the airfield that I'm glad exists even if was hard to get back in a blizzard since there is a one-way that I decided to take. Hinterland Seems to be falling in love with one-ways lately. Which isn't an issue especially since they give a little tutorial one at the Depot. I hand an aurora the next night, but didn't find anything which was really surprising since hinterland kept stressing that there were secrets that would be revealed by the aurora. The last thing I have to say about the airfield is that you should be able to go up the hatch at the top of the control tower because it looks like you could. At first I thought that it would open up during the aurora and there would be some aurora only loot hidden up there, but I was mistaken as it turned out to be nothing.


          I went to the burnt down cabin and then the to the crashed helicopter. Shot a bear to repair my coat and camped out at the chopper for the night. When I was on my way back from the bear, the wolves near the cabin caught my sent and started in my direction they didn't catch but, it was a little scary and the fact that they waited around The Final Approach for a while was something I wish they did more often. As for the helicopter it's self I found an empty flair gun case which hyperbolically tragic.


    A blizzard picked up but, luckily, I was still able to cook my meat since the helicopter is not an interior. 


    It's a blessing and a curse since it meant I couldn't cure my goods, it was really cold and whatever I dropped disappeared into the floor. Still, it's a good place to treat cabin fever with all the nearby wildlife, as long as you bring enough wood. I had an aurora that night and there was again nothing to find.


            I visited what I think are the rest of key locations and they all had something going that's worth talking about, but they are going to have to be speed rounds. Shoulder lake has approximately infinite cattails and the plane crash was a bit weird that it perfectly hit the one island. I think it was a missed and would have cooler if it was half buried in the ice. Both cabins are an exhalant part of the "the whole region is your base in the late game" mentality and look great, but the guy that built a snow shelter twenty yards from a cabin was stupid. What I mean by that is that every part of what you want in a late game base is spread out in roughly evenly across the map. I'm not going to say whether this is good or bad since I haven't seen how it feels to play. I'm glad hinterland tried it in such a deliberate and straight forward manner though.


          In Short: Everything regarding the mid game crafting has an extra layer of difficulty to it which is great. Everything from shelters to wildlife is perfectly spaced and placed to create what I think of when I think of as the core Long Dark experience. Not the original Long Dark experience. It's not the old days of Silent Hunter. It's what those days seemed to want to deliver, but couldn't be. Is it worth Twenty Dollars? For me, yes. These are the regions that I've been hoping for, for years and I refused to let myself get excited for the new mechanics. I can see why people feel skunked though if they were more excited about the new mechanics, they thought they were getting, and the game being broken on launch will never be totally forgiven. I am also fairly rich (live in the United States) so, twenty dollars doesn't sound like hardly anything for something I am going to thoroughly enjoy for dozens of hours. It's already one of my favorite regions in one of my favorite games and I can't wait for the rest of the TFTFT updates!

    • Upvote 3
  2. 4. Episode four is more of an action-adventure game then a survival game. Complete with terrible puzzles.

    3. Episode one does its job as the tutorial well but is held back by that fact that it is indeed the tutorial. Same with all of Wintermute actually.

    2. I am in the "Slowly carrying anther survivor across the landscape is one of the best missions" camp. At least the first time. That last quest to gather three more survivors just felt like a waste of time to me. I also didn't like how many scripted timber wolf encounters there are as after a while they just became an interruption. Also, it was at this point that hinterland inability to make human characters that exist outside of cutscenes started to stand in the way of my enjoyment. The score was once again amazing. In fact, there were a few times I stopped before reaching an objective just let the song I was listening to finish. 

    1. Episode two has the advantage because when I think of it, I think of the best parts from both versions.  I liked how you use to only see the The Lions Roar cutscene at the start of episode two. After the cut scene with the bear, it signaled that the tutorial was over. That now you wear going to experience this harsh wildness. That every day would be a fight for survival. That now you would get to see what the game was about. The old version of the fight with the Old Bear use to be better too. It was a lot shorter, had less button mashing and was less heavily scripted. The new version feels like I'm going to three places just because the developers told me to and then having fights at scripted times that might as well be quick time events. Oh, wait fighting the old bear is literally quick time events with a stealth section in a game that's stealth isn't designed for tradition stealth sections. It still has the best story in Wintermute and the trip to the Hunting lodge and then back to the Trapper's Cabin was the pinnacle of fetch quests. At least the old version was.

  3. 53 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

    Death was truly inevitable.  That hasn't been the case in this game for a long time.

    Hinterland said they were updating beach coming. Maybe they will make less of an infinite resource. In that I don’t think when the system was introduced Hinterland knew the extremes it would be taken to. It all so looks like with the changes to fishing and “safe house customization” that late game going to be made more interesting.

    • Upvote 1
  4. I had a "good" idea on how to make replaying Wintermute more interesting. Because as it stands, I think Wintermute is too easy for veteran players even on thier first play through. What if I couldn't go inside! Of course, there have to be exceptions. I am allowed to go into quest essential buildings to talk to quest givers, but I'm not allowed to take or use anything and if there is an item, I need to do something, like the crowbar to open the elevator door at the end of episode two. I'm allowed to use it for that only. I'm going to have to define indoors as any place with a loading screen or fade to black. It has to be this way or there are no beds in episode one (in practical places). I am playing on hardened survivor by the way.


             Episode One - The opening is pretty much all quest essential so, it plays out as normal. I go for the flare gun, but I won't be using it since it was looted from indoors. Mackenzie's parka I don't think actually exists until intro ends so, I technically didn't loot it (really, I just didn't think about it until now.) The crash is the same except I'm going to have to get this rest to last the of game (or so, I thought). After talking to grey mother, I go to church to get the supply cache figuring that I'll be able to get her almost enough food from them. I get to the church, and I can't find the cache. "Hum, I could have sworn it was right here"? I look up where it's at and I was right. It's just not here. I there the game is bugged or the supply cache only appears ones you get the quest (I was playing on Xbox.) Well, that makes this much more complicated. I head over to the overlook, this is going to be my home for the rest of the episode. The weather hates me for a few days so, killing wolves and not freezing is a big issue. After Hunting A billion rabbits and about seven thousand wolves I manage to get enough food with no axe, two matches and most of my clothing gone. I took a break from the challenge for a while after this since it wasn't very fun luckily episode two was going to be much better.


         Episode Two - I decided to start a new game for episode two so, I would start with more gear. I grab max's axe and head up stream to the destroyed lookout, then go to intact lookout to get some sleep! After looting the train car I'm stop paying attention as I walk over to the dame and get walk right on top of a wolf. Not a great start. I use some fancy foot work to avoid the rest of the wolves and get to enjoy the sight of The Old Bear walking through a wolf during the cut scene. I should mention I have to spend as little time indoors as possible as well. When I do have to go inside. I decide to go the river route to get some shut eye in overlook cave. A blizzard picks up, but I have made this trip dozens of times so, I know I'll be fine. Things take a turn for the worse when I run out of energy climbing the rope, but I make it an Ice fishing hut before in plenty of time. The rest of the episode plays out as normal just with much less loot. I wish there was a difficulty setting above Hardened survivor that was around the difficulty of this challenge for episode two. Hard enough that it is too hard for people who are new to The Long Dark, but not a manual saves/RNG grind like episode one. If Hinterland is worried about people play Brutal(I am going to call this theoretical difficulty Brutal because StarCraft two is perfect (heavy sarcasm.)) Then It could be locked behind locked behind either betting Wintermute, unlocking a certain number of feats, or surviving a certain number of days. Maybe have a "cheat code" to unlock it. Something like clicking in and out of Wintermute on the menu screen five times. 


        Episode three - I am currently playing episode three and wanted to ask if you guys know of any outdoor kerosine or riffle ammo?

    • Upvote 1
  5. I am rushing to finish outdoors out doors only challenge. I’ve been holding out on doing episode four since I have no interest in replaying it. I think is the worst episode by a long ways, but if I want to be able to say that I did the challenge I ought to get through it soon. Or I might not finish the challenge since  replaying episode four like this does not sound fun.

    • Upvote 1
  6. 5 hours ago, APixelatedLemon said:

    "Complex Recipes for Cooking" I'm guessing means you can combine foods, or find food ingredients to make new food. These more complex foods will not only be filling, but provides temporary bonuses, similar to how Breath Of The Wild cooking does it.

    I feel like eating rabbit soup for ten percent damage resistance would feel out of pace in the long dark. I also think that a food overhaul that made it like Project Zomboid (Food has certain nutritional content that if you get to low on certain nutrients you suffer de-buffs as well a weight system where each food and combination of food's cause you to gain a certain amount of weight. The heavier you are the slower you are, and you get hungry faster; the skinner you are the less you can carry, you deal less damage and have a lower max hunger.) would go against the game simplicity of the game. Maybe a few more layers than there are currently in the game would be fine, but I hope The Long Dark doesn't turn into Dietitian Simulator, like the before mentioned Project Zomboid.  

          Forsaken Airfield - The other two regions sound like compact area's with lots of tunnels and sheer cliffs so, I am hoping that this region will be a massive open region will be a large open area similar to pleasant valley. With a landing strip and maybe a hanger as the central location. It looks like there will be a crashed helicopter somewhere around. The hanger sounds like a good place for the trader to be, but I am going to try and not think about him since I can't think of an implementation I don't hate.

         Travois - This probably be an item for carrying large amounts of goods slowly across large distances when you're moving rather than increase in you carrying capacity in your day-to-day looting. You will probably be able to use it that way it will just be awkward enough that it's clear that that isn't what it's for. Maybe you will be able to use it as sled to go downhill quickly as well. Adding friction to the game this late into development sounds like it would lead to a buggy mess of an item.

           New Item variants - This sounds to me more like adding more versions of existing tools rather than splitting the "Tools" into multiple items. for example, they could add an axe that is a heavy version of the hatchet that is heavy but, is fast and lasts longer. Maybe it could even only be usable in struggles if you have it equipped like a range weapon before the struggle but ends struggles verses wolves in a single good hit or a splitting axe that can remove stumps (Just a thought stump remover could remove stumps). I don't think stumps are terrain so it might be possible. Then again that would open up the "why can't we cut down trees" can of worms. I hope they don't add a bunch of new tools that are only meaningfully used in base building and crafting. One would be fine, but I would much rather see the Hammer and Tools improved upon.

          Safe House customization - I really hope this isn't a location called Safe House that is the only place you can build preplaced upgrades implying that it is the intended place for you to make your main base. Somethings things that we might be able to build include drying racks (or smoker, or something else to dry meat), to go along with cooking additions. forge, and work bench (hopefully not though). A bed, perhaps like the feather ones found a few caves. A fire barrel/Upgraded fire pit with more than two cooking slots. That last idea would have to make sure that any upgrades would have to be expensive enough to make sure players can't build them every time they build a fire, and that the upgrades are small enough that players would rather use the existing fireplace or make the base fire pit worse. Perhaps if you build a fire with just a stick it is just a baby fire until you add more fuel or cooking is worse until you add stones to cook on. You might finally be able to close the window at the mountaineering hut.

         Wildlife refresh - Bear spear? improved A.I? Collision with the player? Who knows what this means!

         Burdock - In real life Burdock root is used as an anti-toxin so, in game it might be used to heal some new ailment.


    • Upvote 2
  7. 16 minutes ago, Karl Grylls said:

    Do i see a plum?

    I think that is a can of dog food.


    2 minutes ago, Luca Loquax said:

    I hope there is Tabasco EVERYTHING tastes great with Tabasco !

    Tabasco would be a pointless addition to the game and not everything tastes great with Tabasco. Everything tastes good with tabasco. Such the above mentioned can of dog food tastes good with enough Tabasco.

  8. 22 hours ago, Admin said:


    Use the Transponder to call the trader.

    22 hours ago, Admin said:


    Trader air drops supplies on you in bundles of: two MRE's, two fire logs and 24 matches for 1.99, Ten MRE's, Ten logs, 100 matches and, three days of good weather for 9.99, bonus hp and an extra perk slot for 9.99, a revive, plus a bear skin coat for a limited time for 9.99 , a special set of cloths that better than any cloths in the game in every way and five MRE's for 15.99, horse armor 2.50, Ten revives for 24.99, and all of the above x10 for 99.99!

    23 hours ago, Admin said:

    Safehouse Customization

    Put the pleasant valley farmhouse anywhere for 14.99, Upgrade it with a forge in three weeks or for 4.99, turn it pink for 4.99 as well! Add a potted plant for ONLY 1.99!

    • Upvote 5
    • Like 3
  9. Going crazy with a crashed helicopter this time a. I was bit a disappointed this announce wasn't coupled with one fur episode five, but I am still very excited, I am especially exited for how the new region looks. Seeming open with rolling hills rather than the sheer cliffs we've seen lately. When I saw the YouTube video, I thought it was a dev diary at first. 

    The music made me think of Subnautica.



    • Upvote 1
  10. Just create a hacked copy of the game and open it unity. Assuming your experienced with unity that’s all you need. Too make your own regions. It might take a few hours to figure where all the assets are and figure out the dependencies ,but that’s the life of a modder.


    13 hours ago, Liberty_Fox said:

    The Long Dark is the good game and I have been playing in this game since first alfa version in Steam. 

    "The Long dark is a good game". Unless you mean to say that the long dark is the only good game. 

    "I have been playing this it since". The "in" is implied. Often times using an "it" in the second half of a sentence in place of a noun in the first half sounds better, but there's technically nothing wrong with "game".

    "since the/a first alpha version". Use "the" when something is unique; other wise use "a". Lots of people spell alpha "alfa", but that is a type of grass and nothing else. Use the Greek ph.

    14 hours ago, Liberty_Fox said:

    And in this topic I will try to describe my experience in challenge "all places on map"

    "In this thread, I will try to describe". If you're starting a sentence with an "and" something has gone wrong. The topic is the long dark.


    I don't have time to go through every sentence so, I'll skip to the parts I found to be the funniest

    14 hours ago, Liberty_Fox said:

    But first - small precondition. 

         Why is this its own line. As a matter of fact, this entire paragraph structure only works on the internet. You might see things that look similar in professional works, but I don't think you're learning a specific format like APA, MLA or AMA so, you should try and keep things as regular paragraphs until you've mastered them. ^ I am aware that I did not use proper APA formatting in this post.

    14 hours ago, Liberty_Fox said:

    a uninvited guest

       While technically a correct translation the word used in the game is Interloper. An interloper is someone who interferes, is unwelcome. On Interloper difficulty you are an intruder for nature to push out of the world. 

    Post scriptum. I don't know how well you read English so, you might not understand very much of what I have said. If I had tried to write this in Russian, you defiantly would not have been able to understand. Germanic languages are very different then Slavic ones and English can be tricky with, a versus an, colons versus semicolons, two, to, and too, their, there, and they're, when it is okay to use conjunctions, commas, the difference between raspberries, and raspenberries and no one can agree what these Ollies are called  Pill bug | Rate Every Animal

    • Like 1
  12. The thing to ask with items that work during the aroura is what do they do when the aroura isn't active. The flashlight is essentially a dead item 99.99% of the time and isn't very good when it is useful, which is why I don't like it. The radio is functional useless, but isn't an item. Which allows it to just be cool. Something like the gristle would make the game objectively easier, because wouldn't have an impact during the rest of the game.  I do think it would be cool if you could light torches on live wires.