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Everything posted by Asriel

  1. this has actually been added. ive heard from MANY people that now they are having wolves chase them into interior caves and into new regions. not sure how it works but their getting much smarter
  2. i feel like self harm is too far but maybe a mechanic like cabin fever where if you dont do said thing it forces you to do said things or face condition problems or an effect like the pain one where blur slowly takes over your screen or like exhaustion where you stumble and blur until your out of control
  3. yes it can! i killed a wolf with a revolver but personally i would wait until you have a rifle. it took me 5 shots and around 30 minutes to kill.
  4. i have the long dark on ps4 (i bought it online) and there were still many language options. i didnt pay close attention to any of them but here was plenty!