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Posts posted by Serenity

  1. 1 hour ago, piddy3825 said:

    really?  what are they called?  

    Better Bases supposedly allows you to move stuff within a building. It's an older mod that has been updated recently. But it's still in the beta stage and not fully done. So I wouldn't necessarily recommend that yet (though the concept is absolutely fantastic. Repairing furniture... Yay!)

    For the moment the better choice is Movable Containers. That one even allows you to move certain types of containers even between buildings (through a detour in your inventory).

  2. 1 hour ago, Admin said:

    Thanks for posting. Can you confirm your settings and what you're playing on? 

    PC, maximum settings. I figured that's just how the game is. It's aesthetically very pretty (especially the use of color), but on a purely technical level some of the graphics are just not that good. Usually that's fine, but it sticks out when you focus on certain details.

    I tried to take a screenshot, but it's really only noticeable in video. There is this weird flickering / movement along the edges of all shadows. I originally thought this was related to the game not having AA settings, but while forcing AA improves this, it's still always there.

  3. Quote

    We want to create some next-gen native visual enhancements that really capitalize on the greater processing power and memory in the new consoles, and also on high-end PC

    I'd really be interested in higher resolution textures. This doesn't have to be some super high-res 4K texture pack that updates literally everything. But even by current standards some of the textures are pretty poor. Like wall or furniture textures when you stand directly next to them. I think some things can be improved without sacrificing the watercolor graphics style there.

    Another really bad texture I noticed is the shadows. It's especially noticeable with power line shadows. I played around with ReShade and forced Anti-Aliasing. It's a great improvement, but I eventually concluded that the low resolution shadow texture is probably the main problem.

    The other thing is draw distance. This will always be an issue in large open maps, but even at pretty close distances there is tons of object pop-in with things like grass, carcasses, camp fires and items on the ground.

  4. 11 minutes ago, Lord of the Long Dark said:

    Interloper with anything easier is hardly interloper.

    You just make absurd leaps of "logic". Yes, starting with a bedroll makes things significantly easier. How you go from that to "anything" however is beyond absurd. And then you jump back to the "start" of the game when not all settings are about the start. It's just totally incoherent. You just treat all settings as the same when they can be quite different in their impact.

    Changing item decay for example doesn't change the start and doesn't change the feeling. It doesn't even make the game any easier. It just means you don't see your clothing decay as you watch.

    • Upvote 1
  5. 6 hours ago, Mistral said:

    While I otherwise agree I'd still argue that Interloper also has massive amount of loot, I never understand people who say there's nothing in it

    Yeah, but you still have to "work" a bit for it most of the time. You sometimes get lucky with some things like tool boxes (got tons of them right away last time), but generally the loot is spread around. It comes from the large number of regions and locations. Not from one or two places.

  6. 1 hour ago, Lord of the Long Dark said:

    The difference between Interloper and custom is when you make even one setting easier it is stalker not interloper. 

    That's nonsense. Stalker has an astronomical amount of loot. It has guns. It has tons of mostly harmless wolves. Interloper has far less wolves but they're individually more dangerous. If you leave those and change something else it still won't feel like Stalker.

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  7. Avoid them. Or distract them with wild life. The main thing is really to not be surprised at close range. And not get into fights at low condition / fatigue. That's what gets you killed. If one notices you from a distance and starts stalking you it's not such a big deal. They will follow you to the end of the earth, but they won't just attack. You can also carry the distress pistol as insurance, but ammunition is very limited.

    Later on after you leveled your archery skill to 3 or 4 or you can reliably shoot wolves with the bow. Fully outfitted with crafted clothing you can also get into a struggle and survive; especially when using the heavy hammer. But it will mess up your clothing a bit.

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  8. 5 minutes ago, Bromstarzan said:

    I tend to forget where I left the hammer... so, yes, an extra scribble brain is useful in my case :)

    I write down where I stashed limited items like hammers, lanterns and hatchets. Or maybe some things like spare bear hides

  9. There is no high end clothing of any kind. No baclavas. No gauntlets. The best shirt is the thin wool sweater. The best man made jacket is the mackinaw. It's similar with the rest. It's the only mode where you really have to craft animal clothing.

    You also have to forge knives and hatchets.

    Interloper settings are mostly fine. Don't be fooled by people saying that there is hardly any loot. That's not true. It's just not all in one place. The only excessive thing is the item decay rate. You can turn that back down to 100%

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  10. Why are you so worried about scrap metal? It's hardly valuable. You'll die of old age before you run out. Some people really underestimate the amount of resources on all maps and how far you can get with them. And they just keep adding more maps.

    If you set yourself weird limitations like not using a hacksaw that's on you. The game can't be balanced around that

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  11. Removing resource scarcity wouldn't create any less boredom. It just would let you extend it even further. There is this strange idea some people have that resources are almost non-existent and that you should almost never expend anything. But it's just not true. Even Interloper has plenty of matches. You can be somewhat wasteful with them and still make it to 500 days with plenty of them left.

    It's even more true for other stuff. There is absolutely no reason to make medicine renewable from beachcoming when so many plants exist. Flare shells can actually be found. But they are very rare and hard to see

    I'll never understand this obsession with bow drills

    I agree that the late game is pretty boring, but this isn't a solution to that. It just makes it even less of a challenge than it already is

    • Like 1
  12. On 11/10/2021 at 1:46 AM, Glflegolas said:

    The third contender I've heard is Timberwolf Mountain. The strategy here is to rush to the summit as quickly as possible, and hope that the hacksaw spawns there so you can open the cargo containers and get loads of food, decent clothing, and a few hides for crafting.

    That's not the only way to approach that start. Yeah, some people love it. But it's not needed at all. The containers in Interloper have some useful stuff, but they really aren't all that great. And the summit is mainly nice for the distress pistol and ammunition.

    TWM is fantastic even without opening any containers. You immediately get one or two boxes of matches (two if you get the higher spawn point) and the lake area has a guaranteed tool. Either a hammer, magnifying lens, hacksaw or lantern. You can just get those, collect some cat tails and then immediately leave. In PV you then have a chance for a bedroll near the prepper's cache. Certainly a few pieces of coal. And just generally a good amount of loot down in the valley. From there you can go to CH or ML.


    Forlorn Muskeg isn't bad if you get clear weather. But you basically have to make your way over to Spence's Farm for matches. There are no guaranteed matches in ML. You can get a hacksaw either there or the hunting blind on the way to ML.

    Overall, size of the region, how near you're to a forge or workbenches don't matter. You don't stay in any place for long in the early game. It's all about moving and looting.

  13. At level 3 cooking, do you still carry a canopener just to avoid using your knife or other tools?

    Yes. It doesn't really weigh anything. The problem is the stupid change they made where you can no longer select your tool for opening cans. If you can live with the wear on the knife, then use it. For me it's a bit too much.

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  14. On 11/7/2021 at 9:47 PM, Pencil said:

    The +12 C is pretty insane though

    Yep. It's not absolutely needed, but on occasion it can be nice. It allows you to spend more time in cars for example, which isn't really possible with a normal bed roll.

    "Worth" is really relative. It's not like you are lacking in bear hides late in the game. Or you don't have time to craft it. Or you don't have the weight for it after the moose hide satchel and backpack. It's a luxury, but so what? What else are you going to do?

    The real problem is the extreme decay. It's not balanced. Especially against the 200% item decay in Interloper. It's possible to lower that back down just for bedrolls by using a mod.

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  15.  Optimized render distance on various objects found in Episode Four so they will become visible at the appropriate distance from the Player. This will reduce instances of distant objects popping in to the world.

    This is off topic, but could the maximum possible draw distance be increased in general? Even when setting it the highest, there is still a lot of object popping in very open areas.

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