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Posts posted by Serenity

  1. Interloper fish spawn rates are pretty low. You have to fish for a long time. Do larger time spans not just 1-2 hour intervals. You still get a good amount of fish in the long run.

    There are legends that some huts are better than others, but it's not really true. In CH for example the one at the fishing camp is just as good as the ones at the edge of the ice. The only difference between regions is that you get very large coho salmon in the ocean. But the bass from lakes gets pretty large too.

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  2. Just walk away from wolves if you don't have weapons. They will follow you to the end of the earth, but they will rarely attack that way. And with good clothing you can survive back to back wolf attacks at full health. So gear up and keep your condition high.

    The problem with Stalker is that there is so many wolves that you may deal with a pack or run into others. Interloper has far less wolves, but they are a lot more deadly.

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  3. But if a long dark is created its has to be a little bit different

    Different by making it the same cookie cutter building game like all other "survival" games? I'd like some things like crafting chests or fixing up broken drawers, but if you add generic base building it's not TLD anymore.

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  4. Here is a very good demonstration of the bug where wood disappears around caves (and also the Mountaineer's Hut):

    At 33:30 notice here there are limbs and branches around the cave. Especially on the left side. They are gone when he leaves again at 34:40. But they return at 42:10 (you just need to go some distance away. It's not even too far). And there is another round of this at 42:50 and 50:40 


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  5. They aren't exactly fresh. Just frozen old carcasses like the deer. There are several of them around. Other places are Bleak Inlet in front of the transition cave, Hushed River Valley at Monolith Lake, or a cave in Ash Canyon.

  6. 12 hours ago, yoli said:

    in Interloper I guess that is the only way to survive more than one day, provided we find an initial light source!

    It's not. Chaining torches is not necessary to succeed. Long term you can rely on the magnifying lens. Just make a fire every few days to cook water and time your activities around the weather.

    Also matches aren't that rare on Interloper if you check all places. You still get plenty to survive hundreds of days even when being somewhat wasteful with them. There are also several firestrikers.

  7. Ever since episode 4 timberwolves behave very weird. Normal wolves will attack when you aim at them. Timberwolves run away. Maybe that's supposed to make them harder to kill, but it makes it really annoying to deal with them. They just run around randomly, growl and make lots of noise. And then act all scared. Often they also just run around right besides you and then take some small bites instead of fully attacking. Often they get scared when you walk towards them. It wasn't that way when they were first introduced.

    And don't say you're meant to use noise makers. You encounter them in Bleak Inlet too. It's not about it being difficult, but it's just not fun.

  8. 1 hour ago, Leeanda said:

    Anyone having problems with crafting supplies disappearing? I just started making a bear roll and when I woke next morning I'd lost a hide and some guts!  

    Can you continue crafting the bedroll? At certain rates of completion materials are basically transferred to the crafted object. But generally that only happens later on

  9. 21 minutes ago, SpanishMoss said:

    Actually, I'm pretty sure the devs are already working on upgrading old textures. They said they were planning on creating better textures to be more relevant on next-gen consoles and high-end PCs

    They didn't mention anything specifically, just "next generation graphics". That should include better textures though, which is really badly needed. Shadows need improvement too.

    I don't think a huge overhaul of the geometry is needed. But some additions of newer innovations in older regions would be nice. Like the improved lighting in Ash Canyon. Better waterfalls. Or the moving water from Black Rock.

    As already said some updated to houses would be nice to eliminate loading screens and make the interiors align more with the outside. Though in some iconic places like the Camp Office or the BR Hunting Lodge that may be very difficult. Still no reason to not upgrade some of the generic houses all over the island.

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  10. 1 hour ago, ChaosInEquilibrium said:

    Also the hunter’s blind by Alan’s cave! I think I’ve had it spawn there but not at the other locations.

    There is a possible bedroll spawn there. I meant only the mag lens, as per the last sentence in the post before

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