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Posts posted by RossBondReturns

  1. 7 minutes ago, ChillPlayer said:

    try the

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    fishing huts


    To all the knife-pushers: didn't Methuselah's scolding made you at least question your choice? It sure did for me, I find it pretty obvious that this was the wrong choice.

    I'm pretty sure I know where that meeting took place....but my path through the area...avoided the potential meeting place.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Ice Hole said:

    Couldn't agree more.

    Ross you choose to play whatever and however you choose.  I think it is a great idea that you play with morals. 

    All avenues in a choose your own adventure book are valid.

    To me I saw him dead either way.  The doc that could have saved him has been chased off.  Hobbs wanted a quick death and goaded us.  The anger Will felt about Astrid missing caused him to act passionately.

    Just to make it clear I'm not calling anyone out or a psychopath or anything else for doing whichever option they chose.

    Yes when I play a story game I tend to project myself onto the protagonist I am playing as.

    Hobbs as the antagonist reveals quite a complicated story, and as I as Will listened, I had to listen carefully and re-evaluate my position more than once. The choice was not something I made quickly. Afterwards I sat weighing Hobbs words before I made the choice.

    This sequence was simply more proof in the pudding if you will that Redux was a brilliant and welcomed overhaul in writing in this case, and world building over Predux!

    And me entering Broken Railroad for the first time later today will I'm certain only continue to affirm how much Wintermute has been improved.

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  3. 1 hour ago, BareSkin said:

    I did push the knife, and I still have problems with snapping rabbits. Rabbits are innocent, he was not. Am I a psychopath? Still, if the game told me the guy would be dying slowly in suffering anyway, I would have made the choice to pull. I'm technically against death penalty as long as the guy suffers his whole life.

    Being without empathy for a murderer is not being a psychopath, it's just about not being Christian, and so far I think will still have this right. I didn't think about the knife, since I already had one anyway.

    As a Christian gamer (and Pastor's Kid) it was my choice in the game to give him a chance to live.

    No one is innocent, we're all guilty, but the amount of times God extended grace toward me- before I as a PK was saved I will probably find out is much more than I think.

    So I gave Hobbs mercy, pulled the knife, in reality giving him a chance to survive longer...and perhaps find salvation.

    Yet pulling the knife in reality could've unplugged the wound speeding up his death.

    I felt the moment was incredibly powerful either way one chooses- Redux is amazing!

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  4. Yes in Episode 0 my microphone was my gaming headset...and it came out poorly.

    In Episode 1 I use my Samson Go Mic...the sound is far better as a result.

    Also I'm currently feeling very crap (got blessed with a voice killing bug at a family thanksgiving get together) so I might start to edit the slideshow version for upload on youtube sometime tomorrow.

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  5. I am a Mod on The Long Dark Community on Facebook, and a while back other mods and the group owner floated around the idea of doing a podcast for the community. I volunteered to put something relatively simple together, as host...the only voice you hear at the moment.

    I use simple editing software, and Mixcraft7 to put together each episode.

    I basically discuss the new Dev Diaries, Upcoming updates, User Challenges and anything else I manage to think of- there's nothing "Official" about it and is not affiliated to Hinterland Games in any way. But we did miss their podcast and wanted to do something simple to fill the gap.

    In the future we hope to have special audio guests like popular TLD LP'ers, and who knows what else.

    Below you will find the Pilot Episode- Episode 0- which I originally uploaded to Buzzsprout the day before the Vigilant Flame Update. But is now only available on Youtube for now.

    And a link to Episode one, just posted yesterday on Buzzsprout.

    I'm certainly not a professional podcaster or editor for that matter but I am a huge The Long Dark I hope these will be appreciated and welcomed with that caveat in mind. I hope you enjoy!

    Keep on Surviving!


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  6. 5 minutes ago, Pillock said:

    When I played it it wasn't like that. There were wolves everywhere that there could possibly be, and several at a time. There were also deer, rabbits and bears aplenty. But I only lasted a few days - the animal population depletion rate is set to its maximum, I believe (and the respawn rate to its minimum?), so a depopulated world is likely if you last long enough to see it. But it shouldn't be like that at the start - maybe check you got the code correct?

    I copied and pasted it so hmmmm.

    I'm not going to trash the box...but I might try another copy and paste. I copy and Ctrl-V it into the custom code box.

    I started another the same ML start near the animals from Clearcut all the way to trappers.

  7. Just now, Pillock said:

    Or of interest, what's the game like to play with no animals? I imagine it's pretty difficult? Where do you get food from? Did fishing and trapping work?

    Currently I'm subsisting off prepackaged food...with which I've been blessed. Then there's also carcasses....I haven't tried fishing yet...since all I have is hooks.

    That said perhaps all the animals are waiting in TWM...which is where I'm heading next.

    What I'm wondering about Deadman this no wildlife thing normal? Is it very rare but exceptionally deadly? Might it only be in one region?

    If so...maybe my sandbox is working right.

  8. An update...yeah my first Deadman Box for whatever reason apparently has absolutely ZERO living I will update and get caught up to Day 15 or 17 or whatever I've made it to...but I will be calling subsequent updates to Box One Omega Man rather then Deadman.

    I will be starting a brand new Deadman Box and hoping it doesn't wig out and gives me the true Deadman experience with wildlife.

  9. I have finally started my attempt...and 4 days in am just about through The Connector on my way to DP...and the only wolves I've seen have been thankfully very far away...I have yet to see a living deer...or bear for that matter.

    I will be doing a series of posts about my attempt on my blog...and eventually uploading a matter how quickly it turns south from here.

    To be honest I'm not even sure if I was seeing a distant wolf or 2 on Coastal Highway...I'd prefer to not run into any myself.

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  10. 6 hours ago, MueckE said:

    Does this update include the improvements of the storymode (survival school optional, more freedom how to progress with the quests ...), or will these things be adressed in the next update?


    No, as far as I know this is just an update to Unity and Wwise and a whole bunch of bug crushing. I played through all of the Story Mode on Test Track and it was just as it was after the Difficulty level update.

  11. 36 minutes ago, hozz1235 said:

    +1 but also consider the option for a Custom setting on this.  I know some people complain of the 'Glass Ankles" so this would severely impact that...segue into...oh, what happens if you have multiple sprains?

    It sucks in real life let me tell you...and might be a killer in the wild.

  12. I love the sprain animations (including those in Test Branch), but a few things have always bugged me about Sprains and Painkillers.

    And doggone it most people just circumvent the dangers of having a sprained ankle in the wilderness and the even better animations (I've had a twisted knee coming down from the Summit of Mt. Mc Cloughlin in Orgeon) by popping painkillers.

    And magically the badly sprained ankle is immediately healed! Even worse is that the natural remedy consumed via the prepared tea, works just as fast and just as well. Shouldn't the tea take a whole lot longer to be diffused through the body as needed?

    What I would prefer is for the Painkiller to at the most- take the edge off the pain. So you're still hobbled but not as badly. So perhaps the limp animations aren't as noticeable after you take the painkiller. Perhaps you can use your rifle but you'll have more sway until your sprain is healed.

    So how is your sprain healed then?

    By the 10 hours of rest.

    So the painkillers take the edge off the pain of the wrist or ankle injury- but only the overnight sleep heals it.

    Maybe sometime further down the line there can be a difference between the speed of the Pills vs the Tea.

    Just my 2 cents.

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