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Status Updates posted by Tbone555

  1. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh i cant wait for the new update.
    its killing me...

  2. nope, nope, nope, nope.

    not reading ANY MORE about the next update

    i want to figure it all out myself :P

  3. while i'm always upset when a pack of wolves mauls my character, i'm secretly constantly hoping it happens. :P

  4. i cant WAIT for the next update.
    to think, my guy is actually gonna have a character model.. *-*

  5. so hard to believe my character is going to have HANDS soon!! ... HANDS!! D:

  6. still just patiently awaiting story mode...

  7. man. i have to wait till next tuesday to watch Blow on directv.

  8. i had over 60 screenies and gameclips from the long dark in my game dvr. stuff that i was really proud of and wanted to keep.

    connected my xbox to the internet and for some reason every single one of them were automatically deleted.

    thanks, microsoft.

  9. man. is it REALLY quiet around here to anyone else? or is it just me?

  10. been away for a few days, but I'm finally back :D

  11. finally watched smokey and the bandit again earlier today :D. been a looooooong time since i've seen that movie :P

    1. illanthropist


      right turn Clyde ;)

  12. Might take a break from my current sandbox, start up a new one to attempt a challenge or two.

  13. uuuuuugh, if i don't get over this cough soon.. allergies, man.

  14. watching water world at the moment

    I'm really enjoying our new directv! :P

  15. watching the edge tonight! its on starz west.

    1. Patrick Carlson

      Patrick Carlson

      Always a good choice!

    2. SteveP


      It's a great movie!

    3. Tbone555


      haha oh yeah! :P i got up early this morning to watch it again on the same channel

  16. Yard work finished, time to kick my feet up n play TLD!

  17. came back from my latest hunting trip with hypothermia, several kg of venison and wolf meat, and a nice screenshot of a wolf with his head inside a deer's rear end.


  18. so. last night, i was playing the long dark.

    accidentally sipped a tiny bit of unsafe water and got dysentery. the first time i've ever had it. well, i simply made some reishi tea and rested, no big deal. as soon as i got over it, i got up and ate a granola bar. and bam! food poisoning. this time i didnt have any medicine and was too low of a condition to go looking for mushrooms. i got down to 15 percent. and then, thank god, it passed.

    and then later on, i got trapped in a shed in the middle of the woods by a bear, and then got trapped in the shed by a blizzard once the bear finally went away.

    then the wind kept blowing through the hole in the shed and extinguishing my fire. i had to pack and push through the blizzard, following the path back to my shelter. once i stumbled inside and got to the bed, i was at 9 percent condition.

    thinking about moving away from pleasant valley soon...

  19. Landscaping today.. Not looking forward to it :P

    but. Afterwards I can come inside, chill and play the long dark for the rest of the day :)