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Everything posted by piddy3825

  1. Can you email those screen shots to yourself on an Xbox?
  2. I was humming the tune "Been Caught Stealing" by Jane's Addiction Hey all right! If I get by, it's mine. Mine all mine!
  3. makes me wanna jump up on that harpoon gun and shoot the bear!
  4. "TimberWolf Mountain Adrenaline Junkie" or "Vicodin Sprain Therapy"
  5. Those are some outstanding colors, the latest graphics update is so awesome!
  6. Murder of Crows Murderous Overhead Nice Feather Bonus - 36 in all Only ONE feather for you!
  7. I made 86 before i ran out of fuel one time... now you got me wondering what's the most arrows you can craft in a single game session? between all the maps and the transition areas where you can harvest birch saplings, that would be a good contest!
  8. nicely done! to "create" the illusion of more, try dropping the herbal teas in the box one item at a time... same goes for the coffee tin. oh, btw, "damn, Son, where did you get all those sewing kits?"
  9. kinda looks like it's crying... on the other hand, nice shot. Looks like your arrow punched thru the ribs and lodged in right lung
  10. I shot an arrow in the air from the hut on TWM totally by accident and thought the arrow had been lost as I searched for it and could never find it. Then a couple of days later I see this carcass and somehow scored this kill? I retrieved my arrow and harvested the animal. Meat was down to 13%, so not sure if this is/was a glitch, but I'll take it!
  11. I saw that hole in your roof! So I thought I would drop by and patch it for you! I had some spare old bedding laying around and I thought with it's insulative properties, well, you know, should work? Right? I guess I'm not much of a do it yourselfer...
  12. "Last Glimpse" Got this shot just as my health meter hit 1... I know, I know, kinda morbid, I just wish I could have taken it third person, just to see what position I am in.
  13. Lol, nice, which one was it? Yogi or Gentle Ben? now Sir, you have inspired me to raise the stakes in my current TWM run to redo this pic, but with a bearskin sleeping bag!
  14. That's a great shot. I always thought there had to be a way up there and tried many frustrating times. I would love to know the route you took to get up there.
  15. Timberwolf Mountain Lodge I can just hear Tom Bodett saying, "Come by anytime, We'll leave a light on for ya..."
  16. I like playing pilgrim mode more and more because of the "hunting" challenge. since everything is constantly running away from you instead of at you, it makes using the bow all the more challenging.
  17. For sure, This pic is from my second playthrough which i am still currently playing. The first time I spawned at Timberwolf, I ended up leaving within a day, I was never so happy than to stumble back into Pleasant Valley back onto familiar terriorty, whew. Timberwolf can be brutal but you just need to be able to use all the natural cover all those scattered around caves have to offer. So if you travel in geared up, this map great for setting up little campsites and living off the land.
  18. had a couple more to show... guess you can only get 4 shots on per page...
  19. Ok, I am so liking being able to move things around and place them about with the latest update, I wanted to invite y'all to the gala opening of Piddy's Barter Mart and Survival Emporium located in the recently renovated Quonset Gas Station out on the Coastal Highway, just a mere 5-7 hour walk from Carter Hydro or Lonely Lighthouse! Bring your Maple and Birch saplings for trade, let's make a deal!