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Posts posted by ChillPlayer

  1. 7 hours ago, Levelgrinder said:

    I actually found the climb to the mine quite challenging. There are two ropes to climb up, one quite lengthy which I needed to stop on the ledge to recover stamina, and even then only just made it to the top.

    And leaving the mine I went the other way via the canyon rather than climbing back up to Fool's Corner.It's an easy walk which you come out just near the prison.

    More challenging then nagivating your way through a camp of timberwolfs to get to the rope in BI? There's a cave at the base of the rope climb where you can fully rest up and another cave on top of the two ropes, I don't find this climb challenging at all.

    And I never went through Fool's Corner in- or out of the canyon, again to many chances to run into timberwolves on the way up there. The climb further down the canyon is much safer.

    3 hours ago, Semple Fi said:

    Annnnnnd I quoted you in another post, but, you NEED to visit the mine for coal.  

    No you don't this isn't a forge where you need to get it to 150C, you can fire it with reclaimed wood if you can't find anything else. It just needs to be burning long enough for crafting the bullets. And if you are in need of coals, most caves around BR have some lying around. The only real reason for getting into the mine is the code.

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  2. 1 hour ago, piddy3825 said:

    yeah and honestly it is a pain in the ass to get  the door to open. 

    I find it actually much easier than BI. You can get into the workshop without any timberwolf encounters and only 4 easy wolves to deal with. Enter BR from the Timberwolf cave, sneak right towards Bricklayer's Retreat and then straight east towards the frozen river, where you can climb down a rope into the canyon. Two wolves are standing in your way to the rope then, either shoot or sneak around them, climb the rope and you're at the mine.

    The toxic gas section looks scarier than it actually is, just drop some gear to be able to run longer, I've made it to the 2nd floor with 19 sec left (and then I had to repeat this backwards because I dropped my stuff before the toxic tunnel 😕).

    And that's pretty much it, climb the rope back up from where you entered the canyon and the prison is just a short wolf-free walk away. On my Stalker run there were two wolves inside the prison yard which I welcomed for the meat, it'd be also easy to make a run for the gap in the fence, just throw some stones. This is for sure a hundred times easier than getting into timberwolf infested cannery.

    Another plus side of the prison: lot's of ammo shells and gun powder is lying around everywhere around the prison and many cars have batteries, you can easily make more than 60 bullets in there, the limit is only how many shells you've brought with you. And there are no suprises in the workshop either, at least on my playthrough the room was empty.

    It's also much easier to wait for the aurora, if you need food you can just hunt some more wolves. Honestly, I see no reason to get into BI again on any of my future playthroughs save for maybe the polaroid - but I will craft all my ammo in BR ;)



  3. 5 hours ago, Valuable Hunting Knife said:

    Ah yes- I did see that one, good shout!  But no others.  it was a pre update run that i took into BR, as I mentioned it didn't end well so will be interesting to see if any of these issues persist with a new start...

    Yes there are others, the ones I remember are one in a cave near the Old Substation and one 50m before the mine entrance on the left side (indicated by crows).

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  4. 10 hours ago, Valuable Hunting Knife said:

    Only noticed after a couple of days that I haven't found a single corpse in BR (although sadly I've just changed that...).

    There are some corpses, even a quite famous - or shout I say notorious - one deep inside the prison ;)

  5. 13 hours ago, Semple Fi said:

    i would recommend offloading some supplies that can be picked back up later (like firearms, timber pieces, heavy clothing, etc.) 

    this makes the run faster with the lighter weight, easily doable without the valve. 

    And to spare you some headache, drop the stuff at the entrance of the mine and not right before the toxic gas tunnel like I did, or you will have to sprint through the tunnel again in reverse order to pick it up 🙃 🏃‍♂️

  6. Thank you for the update, I'm very excited about it!

    [Enviro] Fixed numerous areas the player could escape/leave the regular game environment. 

    So I guess no more nightly hikes above Ash Canyon, will check it :D

    What about the apparently missing Polaroid in AC, has this maybe been fixed too? There's no mentioning of it in the release notes.

  7. I was thinking about making a movie based on TLD gameplay probably since I started playing TLD. But I couldn't, simply surviving was just too boring to watch. Thanks to the Darkwalker though I finally found the right setting to make for a thrilling experience. Feel the angst and constant pressure Astrid has to combat while she tries to banish the beast. Will she succeed or fade into The Long Dark? Grab your popcorn, turn the lights down and find out!

    Disclaimer: no wolves have been harmed during the making of this movie. Also this is not a let's play, it's heavily cut to not bore anyone with endless inventory management and walking. 


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  8. I had a good but tough run, I started in HRV, found a rifle cleaning kit in Trapper's Homestead (probably the most important item save for a better revolver), Timberwolves were no issue thanks to a cleaned weapon and in general had very little predator action. But I had the DW several times within 200m behind me from DP on, where we crossed paths when he was going for my lure, then I slept at the cave exit before Crumbling Highway and got woken up by the DW. Managed to put some distance thanks to lures, went to the CH campfire  and then went for PV, where I had to sleep again and DW catched up once more.

    PV was really tough, with the fog I could barely see where I am and I misjudged where I was after the campfire. I thought I was going straight for Draft Dodger's but instead ended up at Three Strikes Farmstead, only briefly wondering why I crossed a bridge which is not supposed to be there when you go straight from the Barn 🙄

    But thanks to lures I could put in some more distance to the DW but I was constantly freezing and due to the fog I was again on the wrong track, instead of following the path on the outside of the map above crashsite, I ended up in - Draft Dodger's... Guess some things were ment to be, at least from there on I knew the path with my eyes closed but my condition dropped more and more. When I finally reached the rope to TWM, my condition was down to 6% and I had to take a nap inside the prepper cache.

    DW woke me up again. I popped a Go! and climbed the rope, the DW really gaining on me. When I reached TWM I had to use a stim and just run straight for the campfire, revolver ready to shoot at anything barking. I slept again and when I woke the fire was extinguished, but the DW hasn't catched up yet. So onwards to AC, used my last stim to climb the rope and finally reached AC, completely exhausted, freezing and without any more Go!, coffe or stims. I opened the map and looked for the campfire - it wasn't there 😲 I knew where it was supposed to be but I've never reached AC before, so my hope was that it's just unmarked on the map.

    But once I reached the spot where it should be, I lost all hope. Checked my notes and I only had 10, TEN!!! I shoud've had 11, the one from the starting campfire included. So I checked the texts on the wiki and I was missing the one from Coastal Highway, despite having slept there for a few hours. So yeah, this sucked, big time.

    Other than that though I must say that I really like this challenge, for once it's something completely different. It's not very tough on the survival side of the challenge, with Voyageur difficulty and a good knowledge of the maps. But the constant pressure and balancing between regaining condition and putting some distance to the DW really keeps my heart pounding. Haven't had this feeling in a long time while playing TLD and the DW can be darn sure that I will try again to banish him!


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  9. I am still desperately looking for the 2nd Polaroid in AC and so I started to explore the usually unreachable heights with stone-caching. When I was way above the Goldmine I had to take a nap and woke up to a beautiful Aurora. I took this chance to see if I can reach Miner's Folly and I could, it's all connected. So grab a glass of wine and enjoy a view most people haven't seen.


  10. 22 hours ago, Leeanda said:

    Thinking about it it does seem odd that I haven't. Never seen one in a cave at all actually! perhaps I haven't been playing enough!🙂

    This one in the picture was sleeping at it's cave, you see some bones above his head.

  11. First I thought it's a gaming decision, like the inability to jump. But then it dawned on me - imagine yourself in that situation, freezing, alone, probably hungry - would you hide yourself in the back of a cave where no one can see you? I think they were hoping for rescue, either to be seen or to see someone. We as a player encounter a world where practically everyone is dead besides us but this was not the case when they were dying, otherwise there would've not been that many bodies lying around, so there was reason for hope.

    Also, they had a fire going on and were warm at first but became tired and fell asleep, the fire ran out, no one came to rescue and that's the story of the bodies in front of the caves.

    For sure I don't think HTL has placed them there to be easily found by us players - HTL devs are known to be sneaky not obvious :D


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  12. On 10/10/2021 at 10:51 AM, Drifter Man said:

    But they are meant to catch you up there if you aren't prepared. That's not nature's design, that's Hinterland's design 

    I'm not sure if your game is bugged or if you dropped to some place where you shouldn't, reading about your troubles finding the rope in the first place. But once you've made the climb you are save from T-wolves (or any predators at all), they cannot reach you on the upper levels. Yes they might spawn on the ground when you are parkouring your way to the workshop but they can never reach you. Just keep calm and make your way to the workshop - beware though:


    there is usually a T-wolf inside the workshop which also seems to be more resiliant than others. Enter the workshop while crouched and with rifle in hand

    I've spend more than a month in the Cannery waiting for an aurora and can provide some additional tips:

    - If you have to wait for the aurora, you will miss T-wolves pretty soon because they at least provide some meat - they are easiest killed from above.

    - After you've killed a few of them and are wearing the wolf coat, you will have quite some troubles killing one because they run away on sight of you and if you wound one, it will run very very far away. So approach croached and shoot to kill.

    - Wood should not be a problem for a long time, there are tons of palettes worth days of fire. No palettes are blocking the way to the workshop though, guess you took a wrong turn somewhere.


    When you are on the roof of the trailer, there's a plank leading to the next building in the Cannery.

    - The room outside the workshop is warm enough that you can sleep through a blizzard with decent clothing, without a fire going on (at least on stalker).

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  13. 9 hours ago, Pencil said:

    The lamp bottle is the same way. I had one that was empty (still had 0.01 left I think) that still had weight (can't remember the exact weight though. Something around 0.1 kg). 

    Yes I noticed that too, I had an empty bottle on the floor (showing 0.00 l) but it had a weight of 0.11kg so it behaves the same as the Jerry Can.


    I think I understand now the original claim of the video, there is a weight advantage with the Jerry Can if you have lots of little filled small bottles totalling to say 1l as opposed to one Jerry Can of 1l, as the weight seems to even out at 0.5l, meaning the bottle has then no weight but it has when it's less filled. Strange behaviour but it is what it is right now.

  14. Well I'm camping there for over 100 days now and I think I looked everywhere, I've been over the map a good dozen times now. There's one dark spot on my map near Miner's Folly, I will try to stone-cache my way up there - who knows, maybe it's another buggy spawn. But it would help if @Admin or someone else from HTL could tell if it's a bug or if I need to keep looking.

  15. 4 minutes ago, peteloud said:

    Seeing your map of this area made me realise that I had not mapped the area above that plastic container.  So today I went to another old game and remapped that area.

    What's strange though, I've checked that container long ago and when I tried to open it today, it already showed that it was empty. But as you see on my first screenshot in this thread, it was not on the map. Only after I've put down the X mark at the container did it show up on the map.