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Posts posted by ChillPlayer

  1. On 11/4/2021 at 6:47 PM, Zaknafein said:

    1) Oil in jerry cans weigh less than oil in bottles. Plus it looks nicer!

    I don't actually understand what is going on here. An empty Jerry Can (I had one on the floor in Jack Rabbits, don't ask me how I did this :D) weighs 0.11kg and the oil in the plastic bottle was 1:1, 0.5l = 0.5kg:


    I then dropped the plastic bottle and began cooking fish. When I added 0.06l of oil from a salmon, the Jerry Can's weight was 0.17kg, so it scaled. But the more oil I added, the less the Jerry Can weighted and when I had 0.51l of oil harvested, the weight was 1:1:


    So apparently the oil is eating away the metal of the Can or is there another explaination?

  2. I was making my way towards the exit in HRV and heard the typical grunting and snorting of a bear. I looked around but didn't see him walking, so I went closer to the edge of the cliff I was standing to check if the bear is near it's cave and there he was - sleeping on the ground! I've never seen a bear sleeping in TLD, are they known to do that? I swear I didn't kill him, he was well alive, just sleeping, looks kinda cute with his palm over the face, almost like a baby - still deadly but cute :D


  3. On 11/4/2021 at 4:49 PM, ChillPlayer said:

    The hud shows I have 26 out of 28 in ML but aside from the 6 old bear locations 3 locations are unchecked:

    To Ravine
    To Forlorne Muskeg
    To Cavesystem

    So this is funny. After I mapped Mountain Town exit in ML I was left with FM and Ravine. I then went to MT and HRV to map all that was left there. It showed 18/24 unmapped locations in HRV but after mapping 4 of them, HRV was complete.

    I returned to ML then and mapped the FM exit - and this was it, now I have a checkmark on all locations in ML including the 6 possible old bear locations. Somethings definitely buggy here.


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  4. Actually I think I was wrong. When you eat outside and not inside a cave he makes the same sound which sounds more clearly like swallowing/choking down a piece of meat. Guess inside the cave there is some reverb which turns it into a farting sound :D

  5. 49 minutes ago, peteloud said:

    On my first trip to Ash Canyon, just after it was released, I found a plastic box in which was a Polaroid, I think, of Wolf 's Jaw Overlook.  The box was very easy to find.  I have maked it with a red cross on a copy of your map.  I have checked this box many times on other runs and have never found a Polarioid there again.

    Are you sure it was in that location and not the box slightly more north? I'm pretty sure that I don't have a container there but I will check again. But it's the first hint I've got for a yet unknown location so I am a bit excited :D. Unfortunately I am at HRV right now but will make my way back to AC soon, I'll update this thread then.


  6. The hud shows I have 26 out of 28 in ML but aside from the 6 old bear locations 3 locations are unchecked:

    To Ravine
    To Forlorne Muskeg
    To Cavesystem

    I am missing the mountain town exit but I have the exit to FM and Ravine mapped, it shows as "Leave ML" on the map. Not sure what I'm missing here, Cavesystem could be MT or PV but the other two I have mapped, to my knowledge there's only one exit to FM and one to Ravine. Is this a bug too?

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  7. Excellent video, I play since 2014 and some stuff was new to me or at least I haven't thought of it, like going dry through the waterfall which I'm definitely going to use soon when I re-visit HRV. And how to pass time during CF can also be really handy ;)

    But I don't understand the jerry can tip, you get oil in a "small bottle of lamp oil" if you cook fish anyway, why the need to preserve the jerry can? Also about the campfire aiming, while it is a cool find, why not just aim with the iron sight (RMB on pc)? I never missed anything this way, even from far away.

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  8. To answer the topics title, I don't know - probably no one outside HTL knows - but what I wished for is another survival game of some sorts. Either TLD(2) in the same style but in summer as it was once halfly planned or a complete overhaul with realistic graphics or something completely new. Some PVE-only, coop-free multiplayer survival game would also be cool, just to have the ability to meet other survivors ingame but still having to rely on myself to survive.

    Whatever it will be, I would wish that there won't be a story mode, just sandbox and all resources being spent on delivering the best possible sandbox environment. The story episodes are fine and entertaining but they are like fast-food, quickly played through and quickly forgotten with little to no replay value. Which is sad for all the effort HTL has put into it. Sandbox on the other hand is a long lasting and ever rewarding experience, has huge replay value and can easily be kept fresh with constant updates, even years after it's release.

    So to formulate it more clearly, I hope HTL works on TLD2 sandbox-only with 4 seasons and other survivors to meet but not fight or coop.

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  9. Stalker here. I just want to relax while playing TLD and while I also like the challenge of Interloper, it's just too stressful. I haven't been in the right mindset for loper for the past 4 years, so I enjoy my long running stalker run for the moment ;)

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  10. I experienced this the other way around when I've set out to camp in AC's Narrow Falls cave for a while. On my way up the frozen creek towards the falls I didn't see any limbs, thinking I will have to harvest in the wolf area near by. But when I left the cave, the limbs were there (no blizzard/storm). I didn't harvest because I had to move some more stuff from Angler's and when I returned, the limbs were gone again. Left the cave and the limbs were back. It seems that the limbs were only there when I walked downwards (on the left side of the creek) but not when I walked towards the falls, very strange.

  11. 1 minute ago, Deseoso said:

     make an option that if ticked will cause the maps to be shared across different games.

    I would very much like that but there's a problem with the spray paint mechanic. You can use the spray paint to set a marker on the map to see where you are, which I've used several times during a whiteout blizzard to find the nearest cave. This of course only works on unrevealed maps and if the map is shared across playthroughs, you've got one very real advantage on subsequent playthroughs.

    So I'm undecided on this, on the one hand I too am tired of mapping on every playthrough but then I also want every playthrough to have the same obstacles.

  12. 3 hours ago, I_eat_only_wolf_meat said:

    Playing hundreds of days in survival mode, and then seeing the silhouette of a stranger on a distant ridge, carrying a rifle

    Yesterday I was crafting some ammo at the workshop when suddenly I heard something like a door opening. I turned around and halfly expected Mathis to stand in the doorway - unfortunately he wasn't but I too thought how cool this would've been, jump scare guaranteed :D

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  13. I noticed that when I'm in a cave and eat two freshly cooked pieces of venison, there's sometimes a fart like sound shortly before finishing the second piece. It sounds like a very short, muted trumpet sound. Am I imagining things or is this a fart? Unfortunately it's not reproducable, sometimes there's no sound, other times after one or two pieces. I find it kinda funny, certainly needs investigating :D


  14. I've spend about 100 ingame days looking into every nook and cranny of AC for the 2nd polaroid but it just isn't there. I've filled a bug report several weeks ago but haven't heard back either and because this is the last polaroid I am missing on my current playthrough, I am hoping that maybe the community can help me out.

    Question: has anyone ever found a polaroid NOT in one of the places I've marked on the following map?polaroid3.thumb.png.c0f5b6a282a7266fdf497fb6f4cc6b01.png


  15. I cannot confirm that, I was following a blood trail yesterday of a Timberwolf from the Cannery to the island on the frozen sea and back. Maybe it has to do with snow? There are places in the game where if you put something on the ground, it will vanish into the ground but is still clickable, like the roof of a trailer in cannery. Maybe the trail "sinks" in in some places too.