Hello from the American Midwest

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Hi all, just started playing The Long Dark nearly a month after I bought it on Steam (hangs head in shame). Just now trying out Mystery Lake on Pilgrim setting - just to get familiar with the environment and the game mechanics.

I came fairly late in life to gaming. Growing up games were played on boards, with tokens and (sometimes) dice. Scores were kept with pencil and paper. 

Got my first computer over 20 years ago and haven't looked back. Lately I've been playing The Elder Scrolls IV and V, and experimenting with modding them. I love the open world aspect, and my two favorite mods in Skyrim incorporate exposure, hypothermia, and hunting. I love the crafting system, and those are just the aspects I am enjoying about the Long Dark. 

I'm up to nearly five days now . . .

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Great to have you here! No shame necessary, we've all been there with one game or another. We're just happy you got there eventually and decided to join the community. 

I'm also fairly certain I know the mods you've mentioned for Skyrim...Those can definitely be a challenge, and it's great to be able to add that extra layer of realism to your game. Sounds like you enjoy the wilderness immersion...Is that what originally drew you to The Long Dark?


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@illanthropist: We all have our paths to travel, and that's what makes life so interesting! When I start a game that's completely new to me, I like to start in the easiest mode so I learn the controls and rules and such before going hardcore. That's where I'm at right now. :)

@Bethany Williams: Thanks! You probably know just which mods I'm talking about. Yes, I enjoy the wilderness immersion, and yes, that's just what drew me to the Long Dark. Zombies don't appeal to me, and those are NOT the movies I watch. What I enjoy are movies about survival in nature - The Grey comes to mind. Playing this game, I keep thinking about that movie. Looking forward to watching the Revenant - will be checking Netflix and iTunes for that one! 

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